chapter 27

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By the time Alexandra was 3 months i had fully got used to being a mother and i was a professional now, Alexandra had gotten used to everyone in the palace and had laughed for the first time by Harry making her giggle by putting a pancake over his face. She had developed features and could gurgle and her sleeping patterns changed, she was an absolute delight. Her eyes glistened when she saw me or harry and she held her arms up to signal she wanted to be carried, she loved sitting in the garden and as summer came we took her to places around the UK such as Brighton. By 4 months we could tell she had inherited harry's ridiculously curly hair.

(Alexandra at 4 months is in media pictures but imagine her with brown eyes)

'Ah you got left with my hair, Alexandra but atleast you have your mother beautiful brown eyes,' Harry said while kissing Alexandra on her cheeks while she drooled onto his hand. 

'you have lovely hair Haz, she is lucky,' i said

Harry loved taking Alexandra to the ducky pond and he loved making her laugh and feeding her, she was daddy's little princess and she was fascinated in him and me and it felt so good to be a mother because Alexandra relied on me she put her trust into me, to her we were everything we were everything she loved.  I loved reading stories to her, she was way too young to understand but she loved the sound of my voice. When she slept she put her fist in her mouth and it looked so cute, she also liked wrapping her fingers around our thumb's for support. Waliyah and Donniya were fantastic with Alexandra they both were in compettion on who would be her favourite aunt. when she drank of her bottle of milk she wrapped her legs around the bottle for comfort. She was very cleveer for a 4 month year old she reconised her toys and people. Liam was annoyingly insistant on teaching Alexandra the ways of the kindom.

'relax liam she's 4 months wait untill she is much older,' i said

Liam was very excited about the new heir and felt it his responsibilty to make her a good queen.

One day when Alexandra was about 4 months i went to put Alexandra into her princess crib, she was falling asleep and crying because she was so tired, everyone was playing pic-a-boo with her and a photographer came in and she was being fussy with him. 

Luckily Zara was having a movie night with Zayn because Alexandra didn't look so good she was crying but her tears were warm and her cheeks were flaming red, she was in pain. 

'give her water,' zara told me as Alexandra wept and screamed in her crib.

i fed her water but she spat it out i picked her up and rocked her.

'she may be hot take her outside,' Zara suggested

i picked her up and took her out on the balcony of her room. she was really hot and the cool air made her calm down a bit.

harry and zayn came upstairs/

'is she feeling better?' harry asked concerned about alexandra

'no she's very ill it seems,' i said

'oh my poor little baby,' harry pouted and opened his arms to carry Alexandra, she started to cry as he started to bounce her.

'she may be dizzy aswell,' zara said

'so what do you suggest?' i asked

'i think you should definatly take her to hospital this could be quite serious,' Zara said

i nodded and me, harry, zara and zayn took a car to the hospital, Alexandra was wailing throughout the whole car journey. 

'she looks like she's in alot of pain haz,' i said

forced to be his princess  (A one direction fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now