chapter 4

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i looked up at the smirking Harry who started feeling me up, his slimey hand violated my private areas i closed my eyes and tried to pretend it wasn't happening i couldn't let him get the better of me i had to stay strong. 

'So Louis are you going to tell me what the code for the box is or will i get it off you the hard way?' Harry asked

Louis showed no emotion 'Try me i don;t give in easy,' he said 

Harry smirked 'I hoped you would say that,' 

oh god i didn't even open my eyes to see what was happening i just felt Harry' shand entering my private area and i yelped out in pain as he fiddled with my lacy underwear. 

The interoggation lasted about an hour me and Louis were both very badly bruised and i felt used and dirty we both lay on the floor i aws unable to speak because i was speechless i  had been used like one of Harry's toys. Louis stayed quiet throughtout the interrogation this was good i had to keep telling myself he was being strong it must have been hard for him to watch me. Truthfully a part of me during the interrogation wanted him to say the secrets because it was torture and it was just going to get worse from here. i didn't understand why i was being tortured for Louis' mistakes? just because Harry was attracted to me. Louis told me to pretend to enjoy his sexual harrasment it was hard to. Harry had left the room and Niall was the only one in there with us. 

'Right get up!' Niall said to me and Louis

we obeyed and slowly got up i groaned in pain and was about to topple over.

'The prince wants you to know that the interrogation hasn't stopped and prepare for more later on he won't stop untill he gets what he wants from you ,' 

'Well he will be trying for a long time,' i bravely said back. somehow through my torture i found a brave voice

Niall turned his gaze to me he looked me up and down and scoffed.

'Has Harry's ragdoll found a voice then?' he said putting his hand on my breast.

how dare he call me a ragdoll? i thought Niall was one of the nice ones i guess i was wrong or was he just playing the mean act because he had to?

'what did you call me?' i said sternly i took his hand off my breast

'A ragdoll because Harry gets to play with you and your boyfriend doesnt even care,' Niall said

i looked over to Louis who was sweating.. Niall came closer to me and wrapped his arms around me and put his hands on my ass he squeezed gently. i was sick of being touched but i couldn't do anything about it. 

'What do you mean?' I asked quiverring slightly

'don't listen to what this prick says,' Louis said but there was a paniced sound in Louis voice. suddenly i felt a disconnection from Louis i wondered why during the interrogation he didn't seem the slighest bit bothered that i was being tortured i wondered why he was hardly tortured and i was this wasn't fair? at that point i felt safe with noone not even my boyfriend Louis i felt so alone. 

Niall laughed 'Well you see don't you find it the slightest bit odd that it is Louis' fault and you are getting blamed? how if you werent here Louis would be getting tortured and that it is just so convineintat that you got kidnapped with Louis,'

'Shutup Niall, Sasha don't listen to him,' Louis said

i blocked Louis' voice out i was actually was interested in what Niall had to say.

'What are you trying to say?'  i asked

'I am saying maybe Louis knew he would get kidnapped sometime because Harry is the king it was inevitable maybe he knew that if he got kidnapped with an attractive girl the attractive girl would have all thr torturing instead of himself, maybe Louis knew that if you got tortured instead of him it would be easier for him to keep the secrets,' Niall said

i jerked my head to Louis, tears were forming in my eyes. there was no evidence that this was true but somehow it fit so well, i don't know why i was believing Niall, i didn't even know him. i should believe my boyfriend though Niall seemd so convincing.

'Don't listen to him he is lying!' Louis shouted 'He's doing this to break you he is doing this so Harry can use you more easily he is trying to convince you that you are on their side you're not they ar elying! don't let them convince you,' Louis shouted

i didnt know who to believe my mid was swooshing. 

'Now come with me sweetie,' Niall said holding out his hand. 

i fell into his trap so easily  i was an easy target i should have trusted my boyfriend. 

'Don't take his hand,' Louis said 

i was puzzled on what to do. i kept looking back and forth back and forth 

Louis was shaking his head. 'Harry likes you he will be able to treat you better you need to leave Louis, you need to go to harry,'[ Niall said 

i was shaking, if i took Niall's hand i wouldn't have to go back to those dreadful dungeons though it would mean i would have to be Harry's fuck buddy. Niall was kind of hyptonising me with  his words of comfort. 

'Look at this loser Louis he wanted you to suffer leave him to rot in the dungeons he wanted you to suffer,' Niall said

'No! no i would never want that sasha i love you! Harry is using you if you fall into his trap there is no coming out,' Louis said

Somehow Louis' words were washing away i got lost into NIall's blue eyes and everything felt right. 

'what would happen if i took your hand?' i asked i didn't even want to look at Louis' face he must be so angry/dissapointed that i had actually considered leaving him

'Oh you'll wait and see but trust me it would be better you would be away from that lying git Louis and you would be with people that actually care about you,' Niall said

i must have been on drugs to believe that Harry extc.. actually cared about me thought at the pressurrising time it made sense i dont know why it made sense to me they must have used some mind-trick on me to brainwash me because i was fully convinced. they must have put something into me because i didn't even feel normal. 

NIall outstretched his arm again and this time i took it i placed my hand into his and he smiled back, probably proud of himself i heard Louis shrieking 'you have made a big mistake,' and only when i had placed my hand into Niall's i had zoned out of my brainwashing and realised i had made a big mistake these were the men who kidnapped and raped me why would i trust them? i gasped and desperatly tried to take my hand out of Niall's grip but i couldn't it was too late his grop was firm.

'You have made a choice to be with us we could have just made you come with us but the fact we gave you a choice makes this a whole lot easier,' Nial giggled

i didn't undertsand what he meant. but i was dragged into the chambers and i just saw Louis in the corner of my eye being dragged away from me back to the dungeons i couldn't believe what i had done.

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