chapter 7

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the news of me and Harry's marriage spread across the kingdom like wildfire by morning everybody knew. Harry took me to the village to meet our subjects the next morning they were all congratulating us and wishing us the best of luck. Little children hugged me and I felt so important and loved, a feeling i had to learn not to get too attatched to. a little girl made me a daisy chain that was so sweet, everyone seemed to love me but their eyes shaked when they saw Harry they were afraid of him like most people are, when we got back Harry told me the things i had to do once i became princess i was excited the jobs seemed so important i didn't even care about my art degree now, the princess jobs seemed so much more interesting and important because my decisions i would have to make would affect so many people. Harry and i had lunch together he told me stories of past kings and battles against the other gang in all his stories he made the other gang seem bad and evil to a point where i was believing it. 

After lunch harry said he was practicing sword-fighting and horse-riding with Niall and Zayn he said i could join them if i liked or i could just explore the castle and do want i want but i couldn't go to the dungeons. so naturally when he went to do his thing i went to the dungeons, hoping noone would see me.  Louis was sitting in the dungeon, i knocked on his cell he looked over at me and glared.

'Look who it is the pretty princess,' he mocked

'Louis i-' i said

'save it, i knew you were just in it for the money,' 

'its not like that i promise...i was forced to marry him,' i said

'dont act as if is a punishment you seem to be enjoying every second of it,' he said

'i am doing it for your good,' 

he laughed 'how the fuck is it for my good? al you care about is harry now, i dont trust you,'

'listen to me louis, harry said he would free you once we get married,' i said

'yeah right i don't believe harry, he never keeps to his word and i am not waiting for my freedom from you guys i am making my own freedom,' he said

'Louis listen he wont lie,' 

'he will! you dont know harry! nyou are so hypotinised by him you are actually stupid enough to believe that he cares about you all he wants is a woman to make heirs he wont treat you right and he doesn't love you, you are so gulible you were gulible enough to believe niall and now you are going to be played by harry he only cares about you for your reproduction system he doesnt care about YOU he isn't in love with your little quirks or your personality like i was,'

i couldn't help but admit Louis was right.

'you were so you don't love me anymore?' i said tears threating to spill from my eyes

'I don't recognise you anymore and its only been a day, and answer me this do you still love me?'' he asked

'of course,' i choked 

' i dont believe you ,' he said

'anyways believe what you want but i am doing this for the greater good i will be able to help people once i gain power,' 

'sasha don't you understand how hard it will be for you to betray someone that you are married to and may have children with, you say all these things yet when it comes to it you wont,'

'you dont know thatm'

'all i know is that i don't want to wait for you to redeem my gang i am doing it by myself,' 

'i wont get sucked in,' i said

'they all say that its very hard to i mean i am not suprised if zayn would find it easy to betray harry i mean now they are friends,' louis said

'i am not one of him!' i protest ' louis please believe me when i say i do love you and i'll do anything to protect you,' 

Louis didn't reply he just gave me a look with his eyes which was hard to read and went to sit down. then i heard someone running down the stairs i paniaced incase it was harry but thankfully it was just Leila.

'princess what are you doing down here?' leila asked

louis scoffed at the word princess.

'sorry leila i know i am not allowed down here please don't tell harry,' i said

'harry doesn't let you do what you want he must be so nice, you are like a prisoner princess' louis murmered

'no i wont,' leila said


'anyway prince harry wants you to join him and zayn and niall in some games outside,' 

'ok,' i said 'see ya louis,' 

'see ya,' he replied mocking me 

i looked one last time at louis and he looked devious. 

i joined harry exct.. in horse riding and we went swimming, i wasn't allowed to wear a bikini because it was disrespectful infront of my servants apparantly so i wore a full suit, it was fun.  i was glad i didn't wear a bikini because i know harry would practically drool over me. Niall winked at me and zayn playfully pushed me into the pool we laughed and had alot of fun and i couldn't help but feel bad for poor louis trapped in the prisoner and i looked at zayn having fun with harry and i got where louis was coming from saying that how would zayn be able to betray harry and basically plan his death? 

we had lemonade served by leila and i went inside to read a book, harry had work to do to plan attacks and make laws and make punishments for people. 

at dinner me and harry sat by each other we were talking when suddenly niall rushed inside, he looked scared. 

'Louis has escaped,' he said

i gasped and harry got up from his chair he looked panicked. 

'this means the other gang can become mobile and stronger oh god we need to capture their defences oh god,' Harry stressed

he rushed to his study and was calling lord liam to plan things with him also. zayn was instructed to  teach me what was happening as i waas expected to know. Zayn was also told to run me a bath. so he did run me a bath which was filled with bubbles. he got  up to leave.

'no you can stay,' i said


'you need to teach me and you can't see me nude when i am in the bubbles,'

so he agreed and while i played with the ducky in th bath he explained, it was all so very interesting. i shed a tear when i told zayn about how louis hates me and how he escaped without consideration about me. zayn told me not to worry and to keep to the plan to prove him wrong. 

i changed into pjamas, and fell asleep with niall playing on his guitar a beautiful irish folk song called the parting glass. i fell asleep and dreamnt of a man kissing me and laughing with me and looking after children with me and growing old with me....this man wasn't louis no it was harry. 

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