ι really love тнe color oғ yoυr нaιr

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"Girls love confidence! In most cases, girls usually wait for the guy to make the first move." she started.

"But, Pein-sensei asks her out all the time! Isn't that showing confidence?" Hidan disputed.

"Just because Pein-sensei made the first move doesn't mean he's confident. Confidence also has to do with the delivery of the request," she answered. She squeezed out of the booth and faced Pein. "Since you asked her out dozens of times, can you give a demonstration?"

"O-of course not!" he stammered.

Sakura placed her hands on her hips and frowned. "Pein-sensei, if we're going to help you, you have to be cooperative!" She pulled him from the booth and positioned him facing her. "Now, I'm going to go down the stairs and come back up. When I enter the room again, pretend I'm Konan-sensei, okay?"

Pein, clearly embarrassed, nodded his head. She left the room for a moment and came waltzing back in.

He straightened his posture and walked casually towards her. "Hey, there, Konan-chan. I was..." he trailed off as his face grew redder. He turned away and swallowed down a lump in his throat.

"Yes?" Sakura prompted.

He peeked back at the boys and each gave him a thumbs up or pressed him to continue. His gaze switched to Sakura as he tried to build up his courage. "W-would you go on a date with m-me?" He sighed in relief after finishing his question.

Sakura pondered and smiled. "No, I will not!" Pein dropped to the floor in a huddled mass of depression.

"Sakura-san! You're supposed to be helping him, not trying to make him feel worse!" Deidara yelled.

Sakura grabbed Pein by the scruff of his button-up shirt. "Pein-sensei, you can't stutter and choke like that! This is serious stuff and you need to stop joking around!"

She barely noticed a small surge of sadness in Pein's eyes - could she have been too tough on him? She released him from her grasp and thought deeply of her last words. She ran the sentence over and over in her head, but nothing seemed too rude or disrespectful.

"Is something wrong, Sensei?" Sakura asked.

Pein perked up and walked back to the booth. "No, I'm okay."

"You know what you really need to do is lay on the charm." Hidan suggested.

"Charm?" Sasori asked, wondering what lame pick-up lines he had ready.

"Yeah, buy some charms and shit! I was reading about how certain charms can make a girl fall in love with you! I've done it before and it really works." he said proudly.

"I didn't know you could read," Kakuzu muttered.

"I didn't know he liked girls," Itachi added.

Hidan gritted his teeth. "Assholes! Shut up! I know what we should do and it'll help Pein-sensei!"

"Please explain." Kisame said flatly.

"Okay, we go out to an apple orchard and take an apple hanging off one of the trees. Pein-sensei cuts the apple in half and carves his initials on one side and Konan-sensei's on the other. He then takes both pieces of the apple and sews them back together! When he finishes sewing, he ties a ribbon around it and hangs it back on the tree he took it from. Afterwards, he chants 'Apple of love, leaf of tree, find her, and bind her, now to me!' "

"That sounds so outrageous, Hidan-san. The closest apple orchard is ten miles south and I'm not going to all that trouble." Kakuzu protested.

The boys continued pitching ideas around the table and each one was turned down. Sakura noticed the disgruntled expression on Pein's face and grew concerned. She wanted to ask what was bothering him, but worried that she could be the cause of his annoyance.

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