мyѕтery ѕolved?

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Sakura walked to school, her pace slow. She had no idea what was going on, but she definitely didn't like it.

She never thought anyone would do such a terrible thing and threaten her - it was only her first year!

She was glad Itachi hadn't met with her, but was also wishing he had - just to be safe.

The walk to school was normal, but she had an odd feeling that a pair of eyes were on her the entire time. She entered her classroom and sat at her desk.

"That freak can't bother me in here," she thought.

She opened her desk to store her supplies and stared wide-eyed at the small, white envelope placed neatly inside. She hesitated, but opened it and read to herself:

"Every time I see your face, I get really pissed off. Why did they pick you of all people for Student Council? I'm just as good, if not better! Fuck that, I am better than you! I hope you fail all of your exams and have to be held back; that way, they would know you're a complete idiot and vote you out.

Your pink hair is stupid and I bet it's not even real. I take extreme joy when I see you squirm under hardships. Oh, and you should walk faster to school next time - people are waiting for you. And, since your brain is so small, you probably didn't understand that the last statement was completely false and I was being sarcastic.

P.S. - Remember, if you tell anyone, your entire life will go to shit."

Her throat tightened as she choked back tears. It would embarrass her to no end if her classmates saw her crying; she also didn't want to give this person the pleasure of seeing her truly frightened and upset.

During exams, she could barely keep her focus on the questions. When the lunch bell rang, Sakura grabbed the note and walked to the restroom. Ino tried to get Sakura's attention, but Sakura wasn't up for talking about meaningless gossip.

As she crossed the hallway, she caught eyes with Itachi. She raced inside the girls restroom before he could finish his conversation with another student and hid in the farthest stall.

She sat on the toilet and let out all the stress she was holding inside. She cried silently in the stall, wondering how worse it could get. The door pushed open and a girl walked in the bathroom and knocked on her stall.


Sakura swallowed back her tears and controlled her breathing. "Yes?" she said calmly.

The girl shuffled around. "Itachi-kun wants to speak with you," she said, a hint of jealousy in her voice.

Sakura dabbed her eyes with toilet paper and shambled out of the stall. She thanked the girl and walked out to meet Itachi, leaning against wall next to the door.

"What is it?"

"Are you upset with me?" he said, curious.

She blinked, "What?"

"I'm sorry that I didn't walk with you this morning, but there's no reason for you to ignore me." he said bluntly.

"But I'm not mad at you." she argued.

He pulled her beside him and the two walked the halls. "Then whats going on? You looked upset."

Sakura wanted to tell him, but was too afraid of the threats. She faked a smile, "No, I'm just exhausted from taking the exams; they're so difficult."

Itachi knew better, but decided to end the discussion. He patted her on the head and watched in surprise as she pushed his hand away.

"I'm sorry, but I've got to try to study for my exams. It's really important," she mumbled.

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