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I sat on my bed with Louis. "So your birthday is in a week! Your gonna be 20! What are you gonna do?" Louis played with my hair. "I don't know." I straddled his lap. He was sitting Indian style. I wrapped my legs around his back. I felt my phone go off in my pocket. I looked at it behind Louis back. I pretended to give him a hug. I quickly looked at the text. "You looked good today. Remember, you won't expect me when I attack." It sent shivers down my back making the hair on my neck stand up and give me goose bumps. I put my phone away. "Leanne you know that Simon is just trying to help you get better." I gave him an odd look. "Oh really? I'm not some mental head case." I huffed and removed myself from my bed. I trotted down the stairs and into the living room. I pulled out my phone and went on tumblr. I was shocked.

My face was on almost every persons tumblr. I scrolled through my feed. I went to my page. My eyes widened. What? 8,000 followers and it's rising by the minute. I decided to check all of my social networks. Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. Everything was the same. But every picture was the same two. Louis touching my butt, us holding hands, me getting my ear pierced. My phone beeps indicating I have a text message. I open it up. "I saw those pictures. Your gonna wish you had never gone to the mall." "Tell Louis." I told myself but decided not to cause drama for him. He is going on tour in two weeks. So the less stress he has, the better. I'm a big girl. I can deal with this 'person' myself.

Fix A Heart: A One Direction FanficWhere stories live. Discover now