Happy Fucking Birthday

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Happy fucking birthday to me!

Today is my 20th birthday and I'm way the hell to excited. I'm not getting to see my mom and dad or brother today but all I really need is the 5 boys Mariah and Justice. That's it. I sit up with a huge smile on my face. I have had 20 years of complete hell. But today I'm prepared to stop that. My phone starts to ring. It's my Brother. I answer it. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABYB SIS!" He cheers over the phone. "Thanks Mike." I laugh at his joy even though its pretty late at night in America. "So what's your plans for today?" He sounds tired but energetic at the same time. Basically he sounds like a crack head. "Nothing really. I'm not gonna drink." Such a lie. "Good job sis! Well I'm gonna hit the hay so have a good birthday!" He says goodbye. "Bye." I end the phone call and start to walk down stairs. I get out of the door and confetti, and sparkles is thrown at me. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEANNE!" All the boys cheer. Meanwhile I'm covered in glitter and confetti. "Wow thanks guys! But you couldn't have found something I don't know.. A little.... Less messy?" I point at the carpet now covered in that shit. "That probably is a good idea. But it's your 20th birthday so clean wasn't an option." Zayn makes a point. "Yeah and I got it on vine." Harry says. "And I took a picture for twitter." Louis holds up his phone. Oh dear lord. "Umm thanks guys." I laugh and walk past them and go sit on the couch. "So Mariah and Justice made plans for you." Niall sits down next to and so does Louis. "Awww that's sweet of them!" I go on twitter and re-tweet Louis' picture and then like Harrys vine. These boys I swear. The door opens and Uncle Simon walks in. "Leanne we need to go for a drive." He looks serious. "Umm ok." I walk upstairs and change. I put on some Victoria's Secret yoga pants, and a grey tank top. I just put my hair in a messy bun and grab my keys as I walk out of my room. "Lets go." I walk out to my car and get in. It roars to life and I drive away from the house. Me, Louis, and Niall all go in my car and the rest of the boys and Simon take Harrys car. "Niall! Those are my emergency candy bars!" I see him eating my emergency candy in the backseat. "Oops." Niall is like a pregnant women. He eats all the time and eats anything.


We pull up to a large building that looks very nice. I park the car and get out. "Uncle Simon what is this." He doesn't even say anything and we walk in. He says something to the man at the desk and gets keys. We go to the elevator and all get in. A women in very fancy clothes looks at me funny. I look down and realize what I'm wearing. I decide to have some fun. All the boys are looking at me. I mouth. "Watch this." I put my lips together and make a fart noise. The lady's head snapped up and looked at me in disgust. The boys held in laughter. "Excuse me, but do you see any poop stains on my pants?" She has the most disgusted look on her face. "No." She says flatly. The doors open and we get out. All the boys and Simon start laughing. "Here we are." Simon opens up a door and inside is a beautiful apartment. "Cool. But why are we here?" The boys all smile. "It's for you silly." Uncle Simon tells me. My mouth hangs open. "OMG thank you thank you thank you thank you!" I squeal and hug him. I run into the apartment and look around. "Happy Birthday."


I wash the last of the conditioner out of my hair and turn of the water. Wrapping myself up In a towel. The boys said to dress fancy but not to fancy. So I pick out a sliver sequin dress. I go back into the bathroom and dry my hair then curl it. I'm gonna start moving into the new apartment in a few days. I put on my eye makeup and some foundation. I put on a pink lip lipstick and then paint my nails pink. I go back to the room and slip on my dress. Adding some black heels, some black bead bracelets, triangle silver earrings, and a silver heart ring. I look in the mirror and smile. Everything looks good. I grab my clutch and my phone and walk downstairs. No one home. Whatever. I lock up the house and drive away to the address I was given.


I pull up to what looks like a night club. I get out of the car and go inside. It's packed with people I don't know. I spot The boys, Mariah and Justice, all sitting at the couches. I walk over. "You look stunning Love." Louis whispers in my ear. "Thanks." I get a huge smile on my face. Everyone greets me. "Lets get drinking!" I yell. Everyone cheers as we go up to order. I ask for a straight bottle of tequila. She hands it to me like I'm crazy. Louis pays for it and I start drinking. This probably isn't attractive but fuck attractive. I kept ordering a bunch of random drinks until I could barley walk. Everyone was wasted. I hung onto Louis. "Lets go to my apartment yeah?" I attempt to seductivly say in his ear. It probably sounds like a new born baby trying to talk. "Yeah." Me and him start walking to the entrance. "I'll be back!" I tell to Mariah she just waves and downs another shot. I probably shouldn't be driving. But oh well. We drive to my new apartment and I don't need to tell you what happens there.

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