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Leanne's POV:

I try screaming but I can't. His hands are on my body. Touching my bare skin. His hungry eyes travel along my body as he licks his lips. I try to move. I try everything I can to make it stop.

"Lets get these panties off. I wanna taste you." He says ripping the Lacey pink underwear off of my body with one swift rip. His eyes glare at my lower half as he dips his head into my thighs.

Louis' POV:

"STOP NICK STOP HELP LOUIS! MAKE HIM STOP!" I jolt up from the chair and look around ready to kill someone. I look at the bed and Leanne his alone. She is thrashing around whimpering.

I lightly shake her and she wakes up on full alert. Her hair is stuck to her forehead with tiny beads of sweat. She begins to cry.

"Leanne what's wrong?" I ask as I stroke her hair with my hand.

"He was touching me. Forcing his self on me. It was nick. Louis it seemed so real." Leanne cries out and I want to fucking kill nick. I carefully pick her up and sit in the bed to set her in my lap. I trace circles in her back to try and get her to fall asleep. I hear a lite purr come from her lips as a sign that she's asleep.


"Hello?" Harry walks in with a pile of Leanne's clothes. And I thank him as I put them on a chair.

"Harry? Does Mariah ever have nightmares?" I ask The curly headed boy sitting in an uncomfortable hospital chair.

"Well I'm sure she does. But she doesn't tell me." He gives me a funny look as I run my thumb over my bottom lip. As if on cue Leanne wakes up.

"Well hello there Harold." Leanne laughs at his birth name.

"Man I forgot what a bitch you are." I almost reach over and punch him but they both laugh. What?

"And I forgot what a douche you are." She fires back.

"Well enough banter. I brought some clothes so you could go home." Harry leans back as he points to the stack of clothes on the chair. She nods and stands up to grab them. I quickly go into action and hand them to her so she doesn't have to walk far.

"Mate are you going to tell her about what happened?" Harry sits up and rests his elbows on his knees.

"No." I simply state.

Harry raises an eyebrow. I look away and tap my foot.

Minutes later Leanne comes out in a zip up Hollister jacket and matching sweat pants with uggs. Only she could look that beautiful after being in a crash. Even though she has a busted lip and domes bruises and cuts on her face. She's still beautiful. I am taken out of my thoughts as she laughs at me.

"Ready" I ask the banged up girl collecting her things.

"Ready as I'll ever be. Fucking hate this place." She grimaces as we walk out of her old room.

Dr. Gomes and the nurse say goodbye as we leave the hospital. I notice how scared Leanne looks as we get in the car.

"Are you ok?" I ask her as her chest moves rapidly.

"Yeah. I need to get used to cars." The minute she says that I want tell her how I sorry I am and that this is my fault. But instead I grab her soft small hand and slowly pull out of the hospital parking lot.


Guys these chapters suck and I'm really sorry. Lol. I just don't know when I will be able to update. So excuse the horrid chapters.

Love you guys!

Love, peazer:)

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