What a night

16 1 0

Leanne's POV

Peace takes me over as a cloud of thick smoke leaves my lips. Liam choked at first but soon enough he got the hang of it and had no problem smoking the substance. A small giggle leaves my lips.

"I am so fucked up." I breathe.

"We all are." He takes a long drag of the weed and he seems calm but something is at war inside of him. But the same thing is happening with me. I feel like I'm not thinking straight.

"I left America to leave all of this. Now here I am once again, high and drunk. What the fuck am I even doing." I say these words, yet I take another long drag of the weed. Liam does the same and then looks at the ground.

"Me and Danielle broke up." He simply states with a sigh. I am honestly shocked.

"Liam. You guys have been going out for three years. Why?" I stumble to find words. He just laughs and shakes his head.

"It just wasn't working anymore. We fought all the time, and it was over small things that shouldn't matter. We just weren't meant to be I guess. I thought it was love. I thought we were in love, but I guess not."  All of sudden I feel like this was a bad idea and I want to cheer Liam up. I decide we should go be with the others, besides Louis is probably looking for me.

"C'mon." I get Liam up and walk out of the cloudy room. Once I get out of that room I feel much cooler and not as fuzzy. I hand Liam a drink and decide to drink with him. 

After a while I can't even remember my middle name. I down the rest of the tequila that Todd gave me and look around for Louis. I spot him and he spots me. As I am about to get up and go get him i spill my other drink on the girl next to me.

"FUCK!" She shouts as she stands to her feet with my red drink all over her white dress. She pushes me back.

Excuse me?

"Bitch you better back off." We are the same size so if she wants to fight, lets fucking fight.

"Stupid slut." She throws her drink at me, glass and all. 

Im fucking done. I leap at the stupid bitch starting a fight. I throw her to the groud and go to get on top of her but she puts her foot up and kicks me right in the stomach, with her heels on. I gasp for air quickly, but i recover and go back to what was started.

My fist collides with her nose and it makes a horrid crunch. Oops. Soon enough i am pounding her with everything i have and everything goes black.

Louis' POV:

I panic as I see the girl kick Leanne in the stomach. I know she can carry her own but she can't get arrested. Leanne is on top of the blonde girl in a matter of seconds and I know it will take more than just me to get her off. I grab Harry and Niall to help me. 

We run to Leanne and grab her as fast as possible. We yank and pull, but she will not let go. By now they are both covered in blood. Me and the boys let go of her to look for Zayn but before we can do that a man pulls Leanne by her hair and slams her against the dance floor. She swings and hits the big man right in the mouth. The buff man picks up Leanne and basically throws her at me. Blood trickles out of the corner of his mouth. 

"Get her out of here. Before i have to call the cops." He yells at me and I take that as my chance to leave.

We finally are all back together at the entrance of the night club, so we all leave the club and hop into the car waiting for us. A million questions are being asked, Leanne is crying, and yet something is off about Liam and Leanne. I look at Liams eyes and then to Leannes. The car all of a sudden becomes silent and I am not sure what to say. But i manage to ask a question we all want to know.

"Are you two high?"

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