Could it be?

45 3 0

Louis POV:

I stare at the hospital and blow air onto my hands needing the heat to warm up my chilled hands. I look at the time on my phone and see that I have been sitting here forever now and need to keep sitting here to protect Leanne. I see the nurses walking around. Visiting hours are about to begin.

I count down until 8:00AM and grab my phone to head for the door. I walk in the automatic doors and grab myself a cup of coffee. I take the elevator to the 2nd floor and walk to Leanne's Room. With every footstep I take, the more I want to just sit down and cry.

I Finally reach her door and take in a deep breathe and walk in. There lays my princess, still in a coma. I sigh loosing my hope that she would be awake when I walk in. I take a seat in the chair next to her bed. I click the contact and hear the phone begin to ring. I get up and walk into the hallway has I hear the familiar voice come through the phone.

"Louis mate what's up?" Harrys voice fills my ear.

"Harry we need to talk about something that happened last night." I say in a serious tone.

"About what? What happened?"

I glance around making sure no one is around.

"A guy text Leanne threatening her." I almost whisper.

"Well its not like he can get to her."

"But, he showed up at the hospital and burned a picture of Leanne in front of the hospital."

The phone stays silent for a second.

"Oh." Harry's raspy voice comes back onto the phone. Worry evident in his voice.

"What if he hurts her mate." I say quietly

"He can't. Listen go sit with Leanne and I will bring you breakfast." I can hear stuff being shuffled in the background.

"Hey mate what do you want from Mcdonalds?" Harry asks as I enter the room.

The air is pulled from me as I walk in. My phone comes crashing to the ground. Harry is asking questions. Is this real.

Fix A Heart: A One Direction FanficWhere stories live. Discover now