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Leanne's POV:

I sat in my cold car for four hours and screamed until no noise would come out, and no tears could role down my cheeks. When the sun came up i finally started my car and drove away from the house, probably to never see it again.

I reach my fancy apartment building and pull myself from the car and trudge into the building. I almost fall asleep while in the elevator. I get to my apartment and open the door, Louis' cologne instantly takes over. I quickly get into the shower to wash away the blood sweat and tears. I am emotionally exhausted.

After my shower i grab Louis' boxers and plain white shirt. They are pretty baggy on me but i don't mind. His scent is so fresh on the clothes. I slowly make my way to the bed i once shared with him, and climb in and under the heavy down sheets.

I feel my heart beat slow, but with every beat I feel a pain in my chest that is so painful i feel as if i need to catch my breath. Am i just a fool? Blind and stupid for loving him? Thoughts rushed through my mind and caused my feelings to mix. I can't decide if I am angry, sad, or in a disgusting way, relieved. Why would i be relieved?

Because this is Louis Tomlinson, rich, beautiful, amazing Louis Tomlinson. He is the most amazing person I know. His heart is is an open book that can easily be hurt and torn. But really, who would want to hurt him and leave him in shambles?

Me. That is who. I hurt him. I told myself it was unintentional, but maybe i was lying to myself to save my own skin.

Louis is the best and i am simply the worst. I poison every good relationship i have, which is something i never have so i find it incredibily pathetic that I can not even make the choice to maintain something nice in my life. But that is who i am.

My thoughts are interupted by the sound of my ringtone.

"Hello?" i answer with a slight sniffle.

"Hello dear, this is your Mom incase you forgot who I am." My mother replied with a giggle at the end.

"I didn't forget who you are."

"Well we haven't talked sense.... you know"

"OH are you talking about when you kicked me not only out of the house, but out of the country. Is that what you are refering to 'MOM'. Because how could i forget, i am stuck here. And you sent me here to help me and everything that could go wrong has gone wrong."

"Leanne, dear. What's going on? Please don't shut me out." My mother begged me to confide in her.

I explained everything. My new found love, and how it ended. But I didn't tell her about the pot. I just said we ended things. She was supportive like I needed her to be. And a part of was thrilled about that, but my whole body still hurt from the emotional break down I had just endured.

After talking for what felt like a lifetime, my mom finally was able to get a word in.

"Honey, I have an idea. But I don't know if you will like it. What if me and your father fly to London and help you pack your things. You can come home. I want to see your sweet face. I think this wasn't such a good after all. What do you think about that?"

I stopped and pondered my new choice. I had no Louis, none of the other boys, uncle Simon will be furious, and I just need a change in scenery.

"That would be fantastic mom. When?" I felt like I was letting a part of myself go in that moment.

"Well I will check to see when I can get tickets. But you hang in there. It won't be long and you will be back home. I have to go. I love you Leanne"

I paused and finally spoke up "I love you too mom"

Me and my mother hadn't said these words to each other in what seemed like forever. And I really needed to know that at least one person in this world loves me.

Fix A Heart: A One Direction FanficWhere stories live. Discover now