phone call / 13

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"You went to couples yoga?" Cam is laughing, so hard I know his eyes are all creased up adorably.

"Yeah, I guess she didn't see the Lamaze sign. It was okay, though. I got a nice shoulder massage, then we got real massages."

"That sounds relaxing."

"Yeah, except we kept getting weird looks because I was like five times skinnier than everyone else. What about you? How was your day?"

"Good. I walked around with that guy I told you about, Finn. We found the best bagel place, they're always fresh and it's run by the nicest old French lady. Finn is a better speaker than me, so he ordered, and she assumed we were on a date and brought a candle to the table it was really funny."

"Haha, I'm glad you weren't offended."

"Nah, it's cool. I also went to a bookstore and bought every Bronte book."

"You're going read for fun?"

"I do that from time to time, Katherine dear."

"Yeah, but weird modern books about chickens and people overcoming mental illness by travelling across the country in a beat up Saturn with a monkey and a hobo."

"Those were just two. And well, I need something to do when I'm not at class and I can't watch any of my favourite movies."

"Why not? Beyond Borders always makes you happy."

"We've watched them all together, multiple times."



"Let's watch the same show, at the same time. On the phone."

"You can pick."

"Um...okay...not Orange is the New Black, I hate that show. We've already watched that one...what about The Fosters?"

"We watched the first season already."

"Okay, okay...aha!"


Thanks for the pickup lines y'all are gems :*

My pre cal teacher was just telling us about how much he loves orange is the new black

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