19 / ellis island

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"I was thinking about your name," I tell Ellis without warning I walk up to his park bench. He picks up his coffee and stands.


"Named after anything?"

He clears his throat. "Mm, well, there's a possibility I was named Ellis because I was conceived on Ellis Island."

"Isn't that a historical museum place?"

He flushes, just a little bit. "Yup."

"Cute." I reply, and he rolls his eyes.

"So how's your boyfriend?" We start walking.

Guilty stomach-tug. I only want to tell Cam about him when I'm sure he's not going to make a move on me. If he doesn't, we'll be friends. If not, I'll forgot about him.

"Okay. We video chatted yesterday, it was nice."

"So what's his name?"

"Cam...Cambriel." He aches an eyebrow. "I like his name."

"Good unique name. What is he studying?"

"He's doing his masters degree in psychology."

"Cool, so he's like, all work, no play, glasses and boring music?"

"Not at all. He has good music taste and he's really...he's just...my favourite person ever."


"What about you? Have you got a...significant other?"

He hesitates, "not at the moment."


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