21 / breakfast date

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"So, your 20th birthday's tomorrow?"

I glare up at Ellis, and he sits down across from me at our previously determined meet-up table, nonplussed. I need to tell Cam about him, soon.

"It's on your Facebook profile." He's wearing a thin grey sweatshirt with the hood drawn up over his head.

"Yeah, it's tomorrow."

"Why do you look so...Thor-ish?"

"Did you just tell me I look like one of the sexiest men alive?"

"Nah, more like a...not-actually-hulking...thunder...angry...god-ish...whatever."

"I just want to celebrate with Cam but he's not coming."

"Did you invite him?"

"No, but..."


"I don't want to have to ask."

"It's not like he can read minds, Kat."

"He should."

He laughs, turning away and showing the crinkles on the edges of his very blue eyes.

"Wanna have breakfast together? I can meet you on campus."

"Yeah, whatever."

"Yeah, whatever," he mimics. He kicks me under the table. "I'm hungry, wanna go somewhere?"


you cannot tell me you don't like ellis. i have an intriguing plan for him just wait ;);)

[hate him all you want though it's funny]

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