Dear Santa - A Letter from Nash.

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Dear Santa,

I want to start by saying that It's been a long time since I've written anything like this, so I might be a little rusty; but I promised my little sister, Skylynn, to do so.

It's been such a crazy year for me. Too many changes, too many goodbyes, suffering, tears, heartbreak, everything. I might as well just put my own name in the naughty list, but I already know, I'm 100% sure, that you already put me there a long time ago. You see? I haven't done anyhing good for someone, other than myself. This might look more like a way of saying sorry for all of my sins, which it is. . .I've never been good with feelings, I never knew how to express myself. . .Until, this girl, the girl that started it all, came into my life.

I had done things I'm not proud of at all. I've hurt so many people that didn't deserve it. I made someone else wanting to leave this world for good, becasue I was such a douch bag--sorry, I was being such a, um. . .I meant, jerkface. Anyway, I was a complete fool and such an idiot with those people. So I have some things I want this year. I won't ask for the new iPhone, a new skateboard, more followers, not even a new car. . .

What I want is much more, much more important to me than those types of object that could never make me genuinely happy.

I want Bullying to be over. I know that's something most likely will never happen, because Bullying is everywhere, unstoppable. I just want more and more people to be aware of this, that not only guns and wars kill people. Social Media, words, physical abuse, with the simple fact that you are excluding someone from a group, that is enough to make someone go over the edge, and commit things that will ruin their precious life. I almost killed someone with that, words, physical actions, I was a murderer, and I will forever live with that guilt. Even though, my ex-victim forgave me for my actions, that doesn't mean I have forgiven myself. I want every single person to stop hurting themseleves because they believe they're not 'perfect'. Everyone is beautiful, and they mutilate themseleves because someone else said they were not worth it. That is not right. . .That shouldn't be done. Everyone is special, everyone is worth it. And I want each person of this world to think that too. To believe me, when I say that they're life is the most amazing thing ever. I don't want them to ruin it, just because a bully said something hurtful.

I want my family and friends to be healthy and have a happy life, because they deserve it. They have been there for me since always, supporting me, even though I was being an idiot.

I would love, more than anyhing in the world, that this girl, my special someone, is happy. . .That when we reunite, the spark that we once had, lives once again. I almost lost her, and it was because of me. Whenever I picture her lying in the hospital bed, like that very tragic day, my heart aches. She was so vulnerable, she begged my friends and I to stop, but we never did. . .It was all my fault. I took my anger and frustration out on her, and that almost took away something as beautiful as one's own life. . .And I can say sorry a hundred, a thousand, a million, even a billion times. . .But that will never make us forget that day, that will never make my pain or her scars and stitches go away.

There is a stinging in my chest that I can't control. I love her. I fell in love with this girl, she owns my heart and I certainly don't want it back. I want her future to be bright, and I wish her the best.

God dammit, I am crying now, but it's because I care too much. And you know what? I am glad that I'm crying, because I deserve it, I'm crying for her. She might be smiling at this precise moment, and I'm here bawling my eyes out, but that's okay. . .That's the way it's supposed to be. . .She've been through such hell, that she could be laughing right now, and it will still be okay. I regret it all, and I just want to hug her and whisper nice things to her ear. For example, that she's beautiful, that she's such s brave girl, an inspiration for everyone. . .She is the true hero. I. Love. Her.

Ps. Can you like, get Skylynn that fluffly Teddy Bear from Toys R Us? She've been wanting that toy since nearly forever, I want to see her smile, since you know. . .I have two special princesses in my life I want to make happy, that's my job as their prince.

Santa, if you do read this, which I doubt you will, thank you for reading my messed up life, thank you for your constant patience. Thank you for making my childhood and now Skylynn's, truly happy. If my fans could read this, I would tell them the same. . .I would start with: Hello there, I'm Nash, and I am an asshole. But you were still there for me in the good and bad times. You stick up for me even though I didn't deserve it. You watched my Vines and Youtube Videos, and laughed at how stupid I act. I love each one of you, and I truly hope you still love me, even though my previous actions. I truly changed, and want nothing more but my special someone to be happy once and for all. If you are reading this, and you didn't leave yet, I think you're beautiful.

Love, Nash

Disclosure: Hello everyone! I thought it would be super cute to do this, I've seen many Wattpad Writers do it, and I thought it was such a cool idea. Plus, I wanted to leave a message to all of you. I want you to be happy, to smile and feel beautiful, because you are. I hope all of you have an awesome Christmas (I know is not Christmas yet) but I hope you get A LOT of presents and spend great quality time with your family and friends. And just remember, my words to you. . .You are worth it, beautiful, special, and you should never let anyone tell you the opposite. I love you all.

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