Chapter 6:

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~Samantha's P.O.V~

          "Ow" I said as the doctor checked my arm.

          "Sorry" he said while carefully placing my hand down. I smiled and gave a little glance at Hayes, he was shaking.

          "You don't have to watch if you don't want to" I chuckled.

          "No, is okay. . .I'm here for you" he smiled. I nodded. But still, poor Hayes. . .He's just thirteen and he needs to watch this. He's such a good friend.

"Hayes. . ." I sighed as I saw how he started biting his lips. He nodded and walked outside.

He's really nice for being here, but thanks to me...The poor kid will suffer a trauma. I stared at Shawn, and he gave me a warm smile. I looked at the doctor. It hurted so bad.

"Okay...Looks like we're done" said the doctor while taking his gloves off. I nodded. Staring at my arm. The doctor said he'll be back and left. Leaving me with Shawn.

"Samantha" he sighed which caught my attention.

"Tell me the truth...I know it wasn't because you tripped" he said looking at the ground.

"Fine...You caught me" I sighed. "I did this"


"I think...You know exactly why"

"I'll talk to Nash, I promise...But now, YOU have to promise me you won't harm yourself and do this ever again" he said patting my back.

"Fine...I promise to try and stop, but...Do you even care?" I asked

"Of course"

"Well I thought you didn't"

"That is not truth"

"If it's not true, why you never defended me?"

"It's complicated"

"No it's not true and you know it" I said while trying to get up, but I fail and almost fell to the ground. But...Shawn grabbed me from my waist, avoiding me to hit the ground.

We stared at each other's eyes for a minute. I pulled away and slowly started walking away. Trying to hide my blushing.

When I walked out of the room, I stared at Hayes sitting in a chair, biting his lips. Then he noticed me and rushed over to hug me. I chuckled.

"Are you okay!? Mom called, she's worried sick. I told her we went to the hospital"

"What!? Did you told her abou-"

"No...I know how to hide a secret. I told her you tripped with the lamp"

I smiled and hugged him tightly. Like I said, I just met him, like...Today...And he's been a great friend.

"I payed already, let's go home" said Shawn walking to us.

"You didn't have to" I smiled.

"You're right...I didn't have to...I wanted to" he said gently grabbing my hand.

We walked to the car and headed home. The whole ride was quiet, but not the awkward kind of silence. It was the good one.

{A/N~ I hope you're liking it so far...So what do you think, Shawn and Samantha? <3 Comment & Vote!}

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