Chapter 46:

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{Here are some questions with their answers...I hope you like this chapter!!}

Q & A:

1) Is Shawn ever going to stop interrupting Nash from talking to Samantha?

Honestly, I laughed with this question...I mean, it's true, Shawn always gets in the way of Nash, but is just to add more drama. But yes, Shawn in some point will let Nash talk...

2) Are Sam and Nash ever gonna get back together?

You know...I'm the one writing the story, and that question is eating me alive too, is it normal? But well, honestly I can't answer that, is too hard ;) But, I can say that there is a possibility that what comes next will blow your minds... *Drama Alert*

3) Is there going to be a Sequel?

Hell yeah! Hahaha 😂 I mean, I read your comments in the extra chapter {A/N} You guys are soo awesome, I'll give you what you want...A Sequel! The name is still a surprise, don't hate...

4) Any advice for people that suffers Bullying?

Well...One of the most important advices that I can give is...Never stay quiet. In the minute they're bullying you, tell someone, your parents, a teacher, the school's counselor, any trusted adult that can help you finding the solution to the problem.

5) Are you team Nash or team Shawn?

Wow...That is hard...Well, honestly...Team Nash. I love him since forever!! 😍

Thanks for reading, you guys are amazing. Thanks for your nice comments!! Love you all & enjoy this chapter...

~Samantha's P.O.V~

The week passed by really fast...Everything is still awkward between Nash and I...

"I still can't believe you're dating Shawn knowing how much I love you"

His words kept repeating in my head. He was leaning in, he was about to kiss me, but I stopped him, but...Did I really wanted him to stop? Just wondering...


I was resting in one of the couches creeping around twitter. I don't know why I waist my time with this, I mean...People can surely be mean.

@grier_mybae: @sammy_97 Stay away from Nash, you hurt him enough 😡 You don't know what us fans are capable to do #GoDieSam

"#GoDieSam?" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. I checked to see my other mentions, and each one has that hashtag. You know what? Screw them...

Suddenly my phone started buzzing. And I couldn't help to have that foolish smile in my face.


"Hey Sam! 😘 We need to talk"

What? What does he has to tell me?...Sometimes with what I heard, that 'We need to talk' means something much worst than anything else. Maybe I'm just misunderstanding everything.

"Hey Sammy" I heard someone from behind me. I jumped a little.

"God, you really like scaring me don't you?" I asked Hayes. He burst out laughing.

"Sort of, you look soo concentrated that is so easy to scare you...Anyway sometimes is not my intention" said Hayes biting his lower lip trying to hold his laughter. Apparently it wasn't working.

"Hey Poo bear" I heard Nash. I glanced at Hayes and he rolled his eyes.

"Poo bear?" I chuckled.

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