Chapter 47:

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~Samanth's P.O.V~

'We need to talk' We need to talk' 'We need to freaking talk'

Yeah, well...He's not freaking talking to me. 3 days passed and nothing from Shawn. He didn't even went to school. Does it matter if I text him first?

I mean...Aren't boys that do that. Ohh well...What the hell. Besides, I'm HIS girlfriend after all...


"Shawn, where the hell are you!? 😱"

I thought he wasn't going to answer, but surprisingly he did...


"Hey baby! Sorry if you were worried 😉 I've been busy"


You didn't even go to school 😭 I needed to sit by myself cause Emily is sick 😢"


"Baby, I'm sorry...I will try to have time this week for you, actually...We need to talk 😔"


Shawn, what the hell, what's so important you can't tell me now!? 😡"


Because I want to do it personally...So that I can hug you, kiss you, be able to be with you 😍😍"

Okay, fine...I'll admit it. I'm smiling and blushing like a fool now. I just can't help it. He's soo cute and sweet. Nash could learn from him.


"Okay, fine...You're forgiven ☺️ But please not more mystery 😒"


"Hahahaha of course baby. Meet me at the park today at 5:00 pm 😉 gotta go, love you 😍


Okay see you there, love you too baby, bye 😘"

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and started thinking of all the possibilities with what he means by: 'We need to talk'

I decided to text Emily and let my mind rest. But...I'm seeing him, right? That's all that matters. Okay, fine...That sounded girly, but I'm a girl, right?

~Nash's P.O.V~

Buzz, buzz, buzz...

Who the hell can it be!? I was taking a nap, I should've of turn off my phone. Ugh! I see the caller ID


Wow, this girl doesn't give up that easily.


"Hey baby, wanna hang out today? 😊"


"I think I'll pass...Homework 😒" I lied. The truth was I already did my homework at school, so now I would be free.


"Is there something wrong? 😔"


"No, why?"


"You don't want to hang out with me anymore...Did I do something wrong?"


"No, is just that...I have a lot in my mind" I was saying the truth with that.


"Let me guess...Samantha?"




"God, please Nash...Open your eyes, she doesn't love you...But I do. Why can't you give me another chance? 😪"


"Uhh, let me think...You cheated on me with Cameron, in other words...MY BEST FRIEND. And then you broke up with me, never told me you were dating him while dating me 😡"


I was stupid, besides...Samantha kissed Shawn! Plus, didn't you see the picture of her and Brent Rivera?"


"That's different"




"We weren't supposedly dating 😒"


"But it hurts, doesn't it?"


"You know what? I couldn't care less...I'm outta here, homework"

And with that I turned off my phone and put it in the nightstand. I sighed and lied on my bed. How can I even talk to Samantha, if I keep hurting her? I didn't mean to. And the fact that she cuts because of me, is eating me alive.

I want to talk to her, to listen to her sweet and lovely voice, to hug her...To kiss her. Feel those warm and soft lips pressed against mine. I want to hold her in my arms and say that she's mine.

I know, I know...I'm being kind of corny here. And I know, I'm supposed to be mad at her, or not...Well, she's dating Shawn. I never understood when it happened. Everytime I'm not with her I feel like something's missing. I sighed and closed my eyes...Hoping that for some unexpected reason, I would be able to go back to sleep.

But still, all this thinking gets me to the same thing on my mind...


{A/N~ Heyy awesome readers, sorry if this chapter was too short...Is more like a fill in...Thank you guys for your sweet comments, I really appreciate them. Please, Comment & Vote, and don't forget to follow me on twitter: @mbelendp thank you again for reading and hope you enjoyed this chapter!! 💕}

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