Chapter 64: The End

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~Nash's P.O.V~

I can't believe she's actually gone. I walked inside the room and stared at the bed where she once lied.

Suddenly, I heard someone from behind me, I turned around and saw Shawn standing in the doorway.

"Hey" he said.

"Hi" I said, my gaze focused on the floor.

"You okay?" he asked while patting my back.

"Not really, you have no idea how much I love her" I sighed.

"I know" he said. "Go"

"What?" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"I understand that you guys are meant to be...Go and tell her you love her" he smiled.

"B-but, what about you...And her?" I asked

"We broke up, because we thought that a distance relationship wouldn't be good for both of us...I know she feels the same for you, and I won't be the one to screw that up for you guys...Don't waste your time...I'll take you" he said and reached for his car keys.

~At the Airport~

~Samantha's P.O.V~

"Flight to Los Angeles, California. Will soon be boarding" we heard the intercom. My dad smiled at me and grabbed my hand. I smiled and checked my phone. Nothing. I wish Nash could understand, I love him.

But well...I waited too long to finally accept the fact that I need him, and I want him with me right now...

Every memory crossed my mind. The kiss. That first kiss between us, always felt so...Right.

I never thought I would fall in love with my bully. That person that was the reason of my suffering, the constant cause of my frightening of waking up every morning, realizing I have school.

But...I'm not afraid anymore. Somehow he managed to get a space in my heart. And I guess I was able to do the same.

Is like I need him. His cocky tone, his ways of desesparating me, his sense of humor, and his passionate attituted.

I still picture his eyes, that were always piercing my soul. His touch that always send shivers through my body. I always felt like closing that space between us, and crash my lips with his.

Some minutes passed...

"Flight Los Angeles, California...Will now be boarding" I sighed and looked at my dad.

"Its time" he said. I nodded and stood up.

"Sam!" I heard someone from behind me. It sounded like...Nash. I shrugged it off and kept walking, it must be my imagination.

"Sam, please wait!" I heard again. I turned around and saw him running to me. He rushed over me and hugged me. He picked me up and started spinning me around, I giggled.

"I'll wait for you inside, don't take too long" said my dad. I nodded and then my gaze focused Nash again.

"W-what are you doing here?" I asked still in shock.

"I wasn't gonna let you go without telling you this..." he started. "I-I love you...I know that won't change anything, cause its obvious you're leaving...But, I love you" he said. I smiled and felt tears in my eyes.

"I love you since a long time ago, everytime I looked how you suffered it shattered my heart...I-I love you more than anything in this world...I never meant to hurt you, I hate the way others look at you, I'm jealous...I love you an-"

"I know...Me too" I said wiping my tears away. We both smiled. He started leaning in. He crashed his lips with mine.

We both closed our eyes and savored the moment. I felt sparks flying all over again. It was...Perfect.

He gently rested his hands on my waist pulling me even closer to him, and I put my hands around his neck.

We finally pulled away. Man, I missed his lips.

"I...I will miss you" he said resting his forehead with mine.

"Me too" I said and hugged him one last time.

I was about to give my ticket to the lady.

"I will always love you Samantha, I promise, never forget that!" screamed Nash. I smiled and turned around.

"I know...I love you too...And it will be impossible to forget you" I smiled.

And with that...I got on the plane, I went to my seat beside my dad and waited for take off. I stared out the window.

'Goodbye North Carolina, and hello to my new life on California' I thought to myself.

The End

{A/N~ Okay, this is it...The end. The sequel will be out in a few minutes...Thanks for all the support, the nice and awesome comments, and last but not least...Thanks for all the love and reads...Hope you liked it as much as I loved writing it 💕}

Now...What all of you have been waiting...The name of the sequel is...

I Promise

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Twitter: @mbelendp

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