Chapter 62:

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~Samantha's P.O.V~

It took me longer than expected, but I finally got to an answer. I'll move to California...

The thing is, how the hell I will tell everyone!?

I got to the conclusion...That maybe this is for the best, my best. A miracle just happened. Something I thought never in a million years would happen. My dad, is back. I know he left me and my mom. But she wouldn't want me to be still mad at him. I know for sure she would want my happiness, and my desire of having my family back. This is what I want, with all my heart...

I just hope the guys could understand. I'm nervous, scared, and excited at the same time.

I just can't stop thinking of all the changes I'll go through. New school, new house. And most importantly...New life...

There was a knock on the door...I turned around and saw Nash, Shawn, Cameron, Carter, Taylor, Matt, and Hayes walking inside the room.

I took some breaths. They noticed my nervousness. I tried to control my sweaty hands. My heart pounding, and my subconcious actually forcing me not to waste time and just spit it out...

Everything that happened in my life for the past months. Ever since my first kiss with Nash, all tears, fights, happy moments, memories. All that up to now...Crossed my mind.

And I keep wonder: 'Am I doing the right thing?'

Yup, I know this is the best...I just feel it...

"Sam, is everything okay? asked Taylor.

"Y-yes, I just have some n-news" I said nervously.

They all sat down on the couches and payed attention to me.

"Okay, so...M-my dad came and offered me to...Move to California with him" I said. They all looked shocked and speechless.

"And I will" I said.

"Wow, well...Congratulations" said Cameron while hugging me. Matt, Carter, and Taylor hugged me too. Then Hayes who was about to cry.

"Awww, its okay Hayes, don't cry" I said hugging him.

"I-I'm not crying, I'm...Sweating by the eyes" everybody burst out laughing. Then I looked at my surroundings and noticed Nash and Shawn were gone...I exchanged some looks with the boys and then run out of the room.

There was no one home. I tried calling them, but no one answered,

I went outside and thought: Where can they possibly go?

Then I thought of a place...The park.

I walked to the park and noticed they were seating on a bench just talking. I went infront of them and crossed my arms over my chest.

"What?" they asked in unison.

"What?" I mimicked their voice. "What do you think about this, are you mad? Are you happy? Are you sad?"

"Of course we're happy, but also sad...I mean, you will leave" said Shawn.

"I know, but...I got to the conclusion that maybe, I should start a new chapter in my life...Start somewhere freshly, new people, new school...But that doesn't take the fact...I won't miss you guys" I said and hugged them.

"We will miss you too, Sam" said Nash.

"Ohh and Nash" I started. "Thanks for...Taking me to the hospital just in time. You saved my life" I smiled. He smiled too and hugged me even tighter.

"Yeah, thanks bro" said Shawn.

After that we went to drink an ice cream. There's so many things I won't miss...But...There will surely be others I will...

A lot...

{A/N~ I hope you like it, Please, Comment & Vote}

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