Chapter 15:

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~Nash's P.O.V~

Well...It was better than nothing. I mean...She said maybe. We walked outside and headed to the car. We decided to go to McDonald's.

~At McDonald's~

We started talking about random stuff. I stared at Samantha who was quietly eating her food. I smiled and grabbed her knee under the table and started caressing it.

She almost choked, and I started chuckling. It wasn't because she was choking, it was because it was funny how nervous she gets when I flirt with her, or when we get too close to each other. It was cute.

"Are you alright?" asked Taylor while patting her back. She nodded and took a sip from her coke. Then she looked at me, and I smirked.

"Is cute how nervous you get" I whispered in her ear.

"Shut up" she whispered back. I giggled.

~20 Minutes Later~

We finished eating, we payed and went back to the hotel.

"Hey...Let's do something" suggested Matt while we walked into my room.

Most of us groaned, but we agreed.

"What can we do?" asked Hayes.

"Umm...You nothing, this isn't for little kids" I said playfully punching his shoulder.

He frowned and punched me back in the shoulder but a little harder. I punched him back harder, he winced in pain and chuckled. Then he punches me back.

"That's it!" I say while picking him up and went on top of him in the bed. We started playfully fighting while all the other guys were looking at us and laughing.

"Guys, please...You're too big for this" we heard Samantha say. I turned around and smiled.

"C'mon...Be fun" I said grabbing her arm and pulled her to the bed. Now I was on top of her. I started tickling her and she couldn't stop laughing. She has the most beautiful laugh.

"Stop! Nash!" She said trying to get away, but I was stronger than her. Suddenly, I stopped, completely frozen. I stared at Samantha's beautiful brown eyes. Our lips were about to meet.

"Ahem" we heard Cameron fake cough. Samantha and I turned around and started blushing.

"Guys, please...Get a room" said Carter.

"Well, we are in a room...The problem is you guys are here" I chuckled. I looked at Samantha and she couldn't stop blushing. I giggled and got off her.

There was a minute of silence.

"Hey, what if we play...Truth or Dare?" I suggested.

They all agreed and we gathered in a circle.

"Okay, I'll start..." said Cameron. "Carter...Truth or dare?"

"Umm...Truth" said Carter while looking at the ground.

"Did you ever kissed a girl?"

"Yes...His mom and his sister" Matt said jokingly. We all started laughing. Carter gave a deathly glare at Matt.

"Yes...In 5th grade...Her name was, Emily" he blushed.

"Wait!? E-Emily Rogers!?" asked Samantha. Carter nodded.

"B-but...How come she never told me, we're best friends" said Samantha while looking at the ground. "Do you...Have a crush on her?" she asked.

"Well...Yeah...But I don't know if she likes me back, I don't want to get rejected"

"What if Samantha arranges a date for you two" suggested Taylor. Suddenly Carter's eyes were wide open and couldn't stop smiling.

"I don't know...She's my best friend, and since you guys used to bully me, then I think she hates you all" said Samantha grabbing a water bottle from the fridge and sitting down again in her normal position.

Carter instantly frowned.

"Fine...I'll see what I can do" Samantha sighed. Carter smiled like and idiot and hugged Samantha.

"Okay...Going back to the game...Carter choose someone" said Cameron.

"Okay...Let's see...Nash, truth or dare?" he smirked. I smiled and put myself in a thinking position.

"Dare" I said.

"I dare you to...Go to the other room...And make out with Samantha for at least 15 minutes" he smirked. I looked at Samantha and she couldn't stop blushing.

"You'll thank me later" said Carter looking at Samantha. I stood up and held my hand motioning Samantha to take it, she grabbed it and we went to the other room.

~Samantha's P.O.V~

I blushed so hard when Carter said that. Nash grabbed my hand and we headed to the other room. We locked it, and we remained quiet for at least 2 minutes.

"Look...A dare is a dare" Nash smirked. I rolled my eyes playfully and noticed that Nash was getting closer and closer.

He started kissing me. He grabbed me by the waist and picked me up. I put my legs around his waist.

We just couldn't stop. It felt so right...Different. I never felt this before. Never thought I was ever going to kiss my bully. The kiss started getting more intense every second. We couldn't help but smile in every kiss.

Suddenly we heard a knock on the door. We groaned and pulled away.

"C'mon love birds! Time is up" we heard Cameron scream from outside.

We stared at each other's eyes and smiled.

"That. Was. Amazing" said Nash. He walked out of the room and I followed.

"Hey, so...How was it?" asked Taylor while smiling.

"Umm" was all I could say.

"Don't be shy, just say it" said Matt.

"Fine, I guess" I said looking away.

"Just...Fine!?" asked Nash surprised. I smiled.

"It was great" I chuckled. Everybody started doing whistling noises.

"Guys, please...Grow up" Nash chuckled. I giggled.

We kept playing and laughed so hard. I mean...Weeks ago I woke up every morning with the fear of getting beat up at school. Of bumping into one of this guys. Anything.

Now...We're all hanging out having the time of our lives. Yeah...I can get use to this.

Bullied by Vine Stars (Nash Grier Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now