Please read this, please :(

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Okay, so I know that I've done a lot of announcements here and what not, even though this book is totally over. But I seriously need to get this out of my system. Plus, this is the easiest way to get in touch with you guys and hear your opinions and points of view.

This book was the start of everything to me. I met lovely people, saw your beautiful comments, and had so much fun doing this.

Although, I always understood that not everyone was going to like my writing—Believe me I do understand that.

Last year I received my first hate comment—the first one in two years. Then today I got my second one. Although the girl was actually supporting the first girl's hate comment. (I won't say names though)

If that girl by any chance reads this, or any of you get confused, I will clarify something.

I wrote this book TWO years ago. I was 15. I was naïve and too innocent. I didn't understand a lot of things until now (Now being 17).

Plus, there's a lot of things that I meant when I wrote this book, but not too many people got it.

For example: About Sam forgiving Nash and the rest of the crew too soon. What I wanted to prove is how a bully can actually change, I know that it must be hard forgiving something like this. But if you hate on the hater, doesn't that make you a hater? Sam wanted an apology and as soon as she got it and saw how everyone was changing and including her, she felt extremely happy.

Sam and Nash 'sleeping' in the same room together (Yeah, I know, not one of my best ideas) I was too damn innocent and didn't believe that anything bad could happen. I mean in the term of me deciding on putting a GIRL and a BOY in the SAME room together.

But I do have an explanation of what was actually going through my mind when I wrote that, so please hear me out.

First, they almost never slept in the same room, since they both went to Magcon and had different paths. Yeah, they slept in the same room some times. But, I wanted them to be in a closed space so they can learn to understand each other. If Nash wouldn't be in the same place as Sam, he could've never understand the reason behind Sam's cutting. Spending time together is what brought them closer, if you think about it. Is what made Nash know what Sam was going through, and made Sam know the reason behind the bullying and why the rest of the guys did it too.

I am in the process of editing this book and the Sequel (although I truly believe that the Sequel is way better than this book, since with the time I've been improving my writing skills)

I want to clarify that I am in no way forcing you to read my books. In the title you won't see that I put: Bullied by Vine Stars (It is mandatory for you to read it)


Not a chance.

I started this because one day my classmate saw that I loved writing and recommended me this web site.

I was 14 when she told me about it and officially decided to make an account when I turned 15.

So please, understand, I believe I've improved my writing and I'm trying to change it.

If you're still here and read this whole thing, thank you, you are special and beautiful.

I love you,

-Belu 💋

Bullied by Vine Stars (Nash Grier Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now