Chapter 4:

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~Nash's P.O.V~

I'm still in shock that Samantha is staying with us. I hate her. . .Maybe? At this point I don't know anymore. I get so confused all the time when I see her. She is indeed very beautiful, and her eyes are truly hypnotizing.

I used to have a huge crush on her in Middle School. But, then I figured out that she had a crush on Shawn. I must admit, I was a bit jealous. Ok, ok. . .Fine. . .I was REALLY jealous. So, I figured out, that if Shawn hangs out with me. . .He will forget that Samantha even exists. It ended up that still. . .She didn't wanted anything with me. . .So, I somehow wanted a way to show her how I felt inside. I wanted her to be hurt, to be in as much pain as I was.

I was lying on my bed playing Flappy Bird on my phone. . .When Samantha came in. I let go a heavy sigh and went back to my phone, ignoring her completely. The fact that she's staying with us, won't make me feel any symapthy towards her.

"Do you mind if I stay?" she asked looking at the ground. Wow, is she really asking? I shook my head no still my eyes in my phone.

She sat on one of the couches at the far corner and remained a minute in silence.

"I'll be back" I said and got up.

~Samantha's P.O.V~

I watched at how he walked out of the room. I approached and decided to take a shower.

I entered the bathroom and felt the warm water through my whole naked body and hair. I closed my eyes and savored the moment. Then I heard how someone came in. I started to panic. I stick my head out and saw Nash smirking at me.

"Um, hello" I said blushing.

"Hey" he said still smirking.

"Can you get out of here!?" I asked almost yelling.

"No" he chuckled. "Besides, is not fun. . .But since we're living together for a while, then I guess I can make you that favor" he winked. I sighed relieved that he let this one slip by, though he let it go so easy, it seemed suspicious. Just in case, I looked outside and gasped with shock and utter terror. That bastard stole my towel! When I finished washing my hair and body, I slowly walked out, just in case there was someone. He also stole my suitcase.

"You gotta be freaking kidding me!" I said loud enough for me to hear.

Then I saw Nash's clothes right there with a note. I grabbed the piece of paper and examined it with furrowed eyebrows.

"I hope you don't mind using my clothes. . .Unless you want to go naked around the house" I read out loud.

I rolled my eyes and just put on the clothes. It fit me really big. I sighed and went to find Nash. He's gonna pay for this. He can beat me all he wants, but at least I'm angry enough to punch him back.

"Nash!? Nash!" I started calling out.

"Hey–whoah. . .What happened?" asked Hayes checking the clothes I was wearing, I took a deep breath before answering.

"YOUR brother stole my towel and clothes while I was in the shower" I explained with anger in my tone. He rolled his eyes while chuckling.

"Typical. . .He does that all the time, don't worry. . .I'll help you" he said while grabbing my hand. I smiled gratefully and we started looking throughout the whole house. No sign of that idiot.

Suddenly we saw one door half opened, I looked at Hayes and he nodded, I slowly approaced the door and opened it, finding the light switch, turning it on. Nash was right there with Cameron, Carter, Shawn, Matt, and Taylor. Oh crap.

"Hey beautiful! Looking good with my clothes" Nash winked at me. All the other boys started laughing. I stared at his phone in one hand pointing at me.

"Why are you aiming your phone at me?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows in comfusion

"Just taking a picture, it will last longer" he said chuckling. A tear rolled down my cheek, but I quickly wiped it away. Why me!?

"Okay, what do you want?" I sighed.

"I don't want anything, I'm having fun" he smirked.

M. "This is not fun, I need my clothes back, this shirt smells like you! Do you even take a shower!?" I heard how Hayes laughed behind me. I tried so hard not join him, but a light chuckle escaped my lips.

He looked pissed off now. He walked closer to me and slapped me. I wasn't expecting that, so I fell to the floor. Hayes gasped. The clothes was so big. . .It revealed my shoulder that was kind of bruised due to all the shoving to the lockers I get. He smirked and bend down to my level, I covered my face. But, he grabbed my hand and started caressing it. Huh?

He pointed at me with his camera and took a picture of my face. He chuckled and stood up. I pushed him to the side and quickly grabbed my suitcase. I ran away to the room and locked it. He's such and idiot. . .What did I ever do to him!?

~Hayes P.O.V~

Is that my brother!? It can't be. I never saw Nash. . .Hitting. . .A girl. What is going on in here!?

"What the hell is wrong with you!?" I asked angrily. This is not my brother, this is a monster!

"What's wrong with you? Stay out of this" he said while pushing me out of the room and locking the door. Then I started thinking.

Well, if Nash keeps acting like this around Samantha, then this month and Magcon is gonna be a living hell for her. I decided to check on her, because apparently, I'll be her only friend around here.


{A/N~ Comment & Vote! Thanks for reading! <3}

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