Chapter 63:

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~Samantha's P.O.V~

~One Week Later~

I called dad and told him I said yes. I was finishing packing, when suddenly I heard a knock on the door. I turned around and saw Nash.

"Hey" I said.

"Hi" he said while walking towards me. "Are you ready?" he asked.

"Umm, yes, I guess...Just finishing" I smiled.

"You look happy" he said looking down. I brought his chin up for him to face me.

"I am, I think it will be the best for me...Starting new" I said. He sighed.

"I-I brought you something" he said while taking something out from his left pocket. I gasped.

"A gold necklace?" I asked while grabbing it. He nodded.

"Read the inscription" he said, I did what I was told and read aloud:

'You're beautiful, I love you, Nash'

"Awww, is the best present ever" I hugged him. "Would you help me put it on?" I asked. He nodded and grabbed it from my hand.

"There" he said. "Beautiful" I blushed.

"Thanks" I said. I was still turned around. He gently started caressing my shoulders, I couldn't help but turning as red as a tomato.

Man, I missed his touch so much. Its so soft and warm...

He moved from my shoulders to my waist and delicately turned me around. We were just inches away from each other.

His hot breath was mixing with mine. He started to lean in, but I quickly hugged him to avoid it.

"Uhhh...T-thanks" I said blushing. "You're the best" I said pulling away and walked back to where my suitcase was so I can close it.

"Yeah, but...Not good enough to kiss you, I guess" he said.

My heart sank, I don't want him to think that...He's one of the greatest guys ever...I know we had ups and downs. But we forgave each other, I don't want to leave things like that.

"Nash, wait" I said stopping him.

"No, no, its okay...I understand...Shawn. I will move out of the way" he said and left. No, he doesn't understand what I mean. I was about to go after him, but I heard my name from downstairs.

"Sam! C'mon, you're dad is here" I heard Jessica. I grabbed my suitcase and went downstairs. I walked out and saw my dad waiting for me outside the taxi. I smiled and so did he.

"You...Look exactly like your mother" those words meant the world to me. I hugged him and he hugged back.

"Okay, I'm ready" I said. Dad smiled and nodded. He helped me put my suitcase in the back, before going in, I took a last look at the house.


"Can I leave?" I said covering my face to avoid any more hitting.

"No" said Nash. He grabbed my hands to uncover my face. A tear rolled down my cheek.


"Nash?" I asked surprised.

"What are you doing here?" he asked noticing my bags.

"Your mom and my mom are friends, and your mom invited me to stay with you since my mom will be out of town" I said kind of shaking.


Suddenly he stood up, and walked towards me, getting closer and closer. I tried to hide my stitches. When he was infront of me he grabbed my arm. He stared at my stitches and kissed my arm. Then he looked straight into my eyes and crashed his lips on mine.

I didn't noticed that I was kissing back. I mean...I felt something...Different, that I never felt before. He put my arms on his neck so he can be closer to me. What!? What I'm I doing!? I can't fall in love with him, he's my bully. I decided to pull away. He looked as confused as me.

"I-I'll go to sleep" I said looking at the ground. He nodded and I went to the bathroom. What the hell just happened!?


"Hey beautiful" one of the boys said winking at me.

"Mind if we join you to wherever you're going?" asked the other.

"No...Get lost" I said annoyed.

"That is such a mean thing to say" one of the boys said while grabbing my arm pulling me closer to him. I tried to get away but he was stronger than me. His grip started to tighten. I started punching his chest. But they both just laughed.

"Let me go" I tried to scream. Suddenly someone grabbed me from my waist...It was Nash.

"I think she just told you both to fuck off" he said angrily.

"Whoa, dude...Who do you think you are?"

"Her boyfriend" he said still holding and caressing my waist. Did I hear that right? My boyfriend?


"Is cute how nervous you get when I'm around" said Nash whispering in my ear which made me shiver.

"Just...Shut up Grier"


"Nothing...Just wondering, that if its true we will never have the chance to, you know...Date?" Nash said blushing. I chuckled.

"I don't know...Maybe?" I said while walking away.


Every word, memory, feeling, everything...Crossed my mind. I had a feeling of, nostalgic. And my subconcious couldn't stop saying to just rush into Nash's arms and never let go...

But I can't...

Too late for that, or for anything.

Part of me wants to stay, but just for the reason of seeing Nash everyday. Those penetraiting blue eyes that seemed like having some sort of control over me since the day I stood in his front door. Waiting to go inside, but never realizing, how much my life would've changed...

"Ummm, Sam?" I heard my dad snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Its time" he said smiling. I nodded and went inside of the car. I slowly closed my eyes and I heard the taxi starting the engine.

'Goodbye' I said to myself.

{A/N~ Hey lovely readers...Hope you had an amazing 4th of July 🇺🇸 Maybe I'm not American, but sure enough I respect your country and love it like if its mine too 🇺🇸 Please, Comment & Vote}

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