Chapter 52:

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~Samantha's P.O.V~

I fell asleep in Nash's shoulder, although...The trip back to the house looked like an eternity. I finally gained enough strength to wake up. I was exhausted.

"You finally wake up" said Nash chuckling.

"W-where are we?" I asked looking at my surroundings, we were still in the car, but we weren't moving.

"In a gas station" he said. "Cameron 'figured out a shortcut' but it ended up being a longer way to the house...Plus we were lacking gas"

I nodded and stretched, I felt how Nash was staring at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Ohh nothing, I just...Well, nevermind" he said looking out the window.

"No, tell me" I said while resting my hand in his thigh, I did that on purpose though.

I know Nash still has feelings for me, I just know...I know what you're thinking...Maybe I still have some feelings for him, but just some, S-O-M-E-S...

I saw him blushing and he put his hand in my hand and intertwined our fingers, he did that as a counterattack. Very clever Grier, very clever...

"Well...You're really beautiful" he winked. Now I was the one blushing. He chuckled and put his arm around my shoulder.

"You know...Is not that late to change your mind and be my girlfriend again" he said leaning in.

He was inches away from my lips, I tried to back away, but I was already touching the window.

"Where is Cameron?" I said before he could crash his lips with mine. He chuckled and gave me a smirk.

"He will be here soon, he must be paying" he said while backing away from me. I sighed in relief.

"I really admire that you're very loyal to Shawn...Well, you're loyal now" he chuckled.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I said furrowing my eyebrows in confusion.

"Oh nothing, just saying that you did kissed him while we were dating" he said looking serious, he was looking out the window trying to avoid looking at me.

"Okay, first...We weren't even dating, so I can kiss whoever I want. Second, how the hell did you know...We never discussed that subject" I said.

Nash's gaze finally met mine.

"Well, maybe because I don't want to talk about it"

"Then how would you know what really happened?" I sighed.

"What are you gonna tell me, huh? His lips accidentally met yours...I'm not stupid you know" he looked angry, the happy Nash of 5 minutes ago is way gone.

"I-I" I stuttered.

"Save it" he sighed. "I wasn't lying when I said I loved you, I thought you did too" he said looking at the ground.

"I just...Well, is just..." words wouldn't come out of my mouth. Pain and hatred were in Nash's eyes. I never meant any of this to happen. But I did know that one of us would be getting hurt.

"Can't fine words, huh? I get it...Shawn is my boyfriend, I can't do this to Shawn" he said while mimicking my voice in the last part.

"You're acting like a 5 year old you know?" I said while crossing my arms over my chest.

"Ohh, I'm the one acting as a 5 year old!? You're the one playing with my feelings" he said.

"I'm not, I jus-"

"You just what Sam!? Say it!" he said cutting me off.

"Ugh!" I screamed. "I-I hate you!" I said while opening the door of the car and got out.

"Sam! Wait!" said Nash while getting out too.

"Hey, whoa, whoa...What's going on?" said Cameron while stopping me.

"Your friend is an asshole" I said while shoving Cameron's hand away and walked to the woods.

"Sam, please!" said Nash. I started running away.

~Nash's P.O.V~

"What the hell was that Nash!?" said Cameron. "I leave you guys for 15 minutes and you're already fighting"

"I know, I just-"

"Go and fix this...I'll wait in the car" said Cameron. I sighed and followed Samantha.

~Samantha's P.O.V~

Ugh! Idiot, idiot! I just can't believe him! Why can't I hate him though...Still, he looks cute in my perspective.

"He's such an asshole!" I said while sitting on a rock.

"Well, that hurts" I heard someone from behind me. I jumped a little and stood up.

"Leave me alone" I said while wiping some tears that I didn't know I was holding. He sighed and walked towards me, but I backed away.

"Sam, please...Can we talk?" he said while trying to grab my hand, but I just kept backing away till I touched a tree.

"Please?" he said while putting both of his hands in the tree trapping me.

"Ohh, now you want to talk?" I said harshly.

"I'm willing to listen" he sighed.

"Well...Now I'm the one that will be stubborn and not listen, maybe that way you will know how I feel" more tears rolled down my cheeks continuously. I focused my gaze in the sky trying to avoid looking at Nash.

Nash wiped my tears away and grabbed my chin so I can face him. He kissed my cheek and smiled.

"I'm sorry..." he started. "If I'm hurting you...That's the last thing I want to do" he sighed. I listened attentively.

"I-I just, feel jealous of how happy you look with Shawn, and I think...That should be me" he said. "I'm really, really sorry...I'm dumb when it comes to love someone, I'm really, really dumb" he chuckled. I chuckled too.

"The only thing I want to see right now...Is your beautiful smile...That one you have that can cheer anyone in a matter of seconds" he said. I smiled. He smiled back. I hugged him, tight. He didn't think twice and he hugged me back.

After that we went to the car. Cameron stayed quiet and so did we...There wasn't a lot to talk about, plus after what happened...But I know one thing, Nash Grier can be an idiot. But sometimes he knows how to show his cute and amazing side.

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