Chapter 40:

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~Nash's P.O.V~

'Stay away from her' kept repeating in my head. "No. Problem" was my only response. Well...To be honest...


I can't just stay away from her. Or can I? I don't know what's best...Everytime I'm around her, it feels different. I do wanted payback...But...Was it right?

I lied on my bed and stared at the ceiling.


"Hey loser! What are you doing here?, I thought we were clear by telling you never to show your ugly face around here" Taylor said harshly. We were the only people in the hallway.

"Leave me alone" said Samantha looking at the ground. We all laughed.

"What's the fun in that?" said Cameron. Then Samantha glanced at me. Taylor suddenly slapped her, hard...


I slapped her. "Don't act like you don't know" I whispered in Samantha's ear. She rubbed her cheek.


"No, you preferred Shawn over me...He got his chance years and years ago. He lost it. It was MY turn, but you still have the same crush you had when you were in Middle School" I said. My voice cracked. "What does he has that I don't!?" I said now tears falling.

~End of Flashbacks~

Suddenly, all my thoughts were interrupted by someone opening the door.


"What do you want?" I asked annoyed.

"I want you to leave her alone" he said while crossing his arms.

"You know...You made it pretty clear downstairs...You don't need to repeat it" I said while standing up.

"I'm serious Nash. You're hurting her" he sighed. "Stay away from her" he repeated.

"I remind you that I told you the exact same thing...And you obviously did the opposite" I said angry.

"She came to me" he said.

"No! You went to her!" I said now yelling while pushing him. It wasn't that hard, so he just stumble.

"Nash...Calm down" he said. I sighed.

"Look...I thought you were my friend, but I guess I was wrong" I said sitting down on my bed. Shawn sat beside me.

"Yes I am...That's why I want to hel-"

"Don't say you want to help me...You're not" I said cutting him off. "I love Samantha since even before you, you had your chance"

"Nash, please" he sighed.

"You know what? It's okay...I have Natalie" I said smiling proud. Or was I?

"Okay...But you know...You will always be my friend" he sighed and left.

He says that because he got Samantha. I got...Natalie? Ugh! Is not the same. Because...When I'm with Samantha, sparks fly. The whole world disappears...And I know she feels the same thing. But should I...Move on?

I sighed. My phone started buzzing. It was Natalie

"I really enjoyed our date 😘 Miss you already"

I rolled my eyes and put my phone in the nightstand. Should I really...Move on?

~Samantha's P.O.V~

I stared at Shawn walking back to me.

"What did you do?" I sighed.

"Nothing. Just told him to stay away from you" he smiled in victory.

"Like he's gonna listen" I chuckled.

"If he does something to you...Call me" he winked. I hugged him and he left. I stared at the stairs and then to Nash's room. I seriously didn't wanted to go up there. Then I remember I needed to sleep there tonight.

I rather sleep on the couch.

Suddenly someone patted my back. I jumped in fear and turned around. Hayes.

"Hey big sista! Scared again by me...Sorry about that" he chuckled while hugging me. I hugged back and smiled.

"Hey lil bro!" I said jokingly.

"Hey, were you...Crying?" he asked turning serious.

"Ummm" was all I could say.

"Soo?" he asked, still with a concerned expression.

"N-no...It's because...Umm" I said.

"Sam?" he said crossing his arms.

"Is nothing...Don't worry about me" I smiled and put my arm around his shoulder.

"Sam...You know you can tell me everything, right?" I nodded. He smiled and hugged me.

"Wanna watch Frozen?" asked Hayes. I chuckled.

"Any movie is better than the one that Shawn suggested" he chuckled. We watched the movie and I slowly fell asleep on Hayes's shoulder. Like I said before...Hayes is the younger brother I never had...I always wanted one, and finally I have one.

{A/N~ Please, Comment & Vote <3}

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