Chapter 42:

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~Samantha's P.O.V~

I was in Hayes's bed resting my head on Jessica's shoulder since I couldn't stop thinking in...'That day'

I was too young to understand, but now...I can see things more clearly. As I was growing up...I used to hate my dad, or at least, I was mad at him. I thought he ditched my mom and I for another family, or that he didn't cared about us. But after all...He was my dad, and I do still love him...

Other thinkings were also in my mind. Yup, that's right...Where the hell is my mom!? I've been waiting and waiting. Nothing. I'm starting to get worried.

"Don't worry, everything's gonna be alright...Your mom will come back and will make you her famous pancakes...Just like old times" I said to myself. "She will be waiting for you after school and give you a warm and lovely hug" I smiled.

Jessica smiled at me and we pulled away.

"Thanks" I said shyly. "I didn't wanted you to see me like this" I said chuckling while wiping my tears.

"Its okay sweetie...I know you miss your mom, I do too" she gave me a warm smile. "Hey, want some cookies?" she asked me. I chuckled and nodded.

"Okay let's go to the kitchen" she said and walked out of the room. I sighed, and looked around Hayes's room.

I looked in the clock...Really!?

"9:00 am!?" I said surprised.

"Knock, knock...Good morning sleeping beauty" said Hayes while entering to the room. I smiled.

"Wow...I was really tired"

"Yup" he said popping the p. I chuckled.

"Nash wanted to talk to you" he sighed.

"I already talked to him enough" I said annoyed. He chuckled.

"In some point you'll have to face him"

"Yeah...But not now" I sighed and got out of bed. "Thanks for letting me sleep here, it's really comfortable" I said.

"You see, that's why I always sleep here till noon" he chuckled. "Now...Let's go downstairs, my mom made cookies!" he said cheerfully. I giggled. He grabbed my hand and we walked out of the room.

"Sorry" I said when I bumped into someone. Nash...

"No, I'm sorry" he said not making eye contact. I stared at his eyes. Red and puffy. He've been...Crying?

I shrugged it off and kept walking. We started eating cookies. Nash sat in a corner far away. He didn't talk, no emotions at all. I felt kind of bad.

Suddenly my phone buzzed.


"Hey beautiful! Good morning 😘"

Samantha: Hey baby! Whats up?"

I smiled and bit my cookie. I glanced at Nash. He looked at me and I quickly looked away. Awkward...

"Well, looks like I have to go" said Hayes.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"Umm, somewhere" he blushed.

"Is it a girl?" I smirked.

"Possibly" he said blushing even harder.

"OMG! What's her name!? TELL ME, TELL ME, TELL ME!" I squealed. He chuckled.

"Katie" he said smiling. I stood up from my seat and hugged him.

"Good for you! Is she your girlfriend!?" I said excited.

"We're working on that" he said. I hugged him even tighter.

"Please don't leave me with you know who" I whispered in his ear. He chuckled.

"You're gonna be fine" he whispered back. I gave him a deathly glare and he walked out of the kitchen. I stared at Nash. He stood up and put his plate on the sink.

He stopped, he didn't move. I sighed and tried to walk away, but he grabbed my arm.

"I missed you yesterday" he said looking at the ground.

No answer from me. Just a simple sigh...He upper his face. I tried to walk away, but his grip started to tighten. I winced in pain due to my cuts. Please not again.

"Nash, y-you're hurting me" I whispered. I fell to the floor, and cried grabbing my arm.

He bend down to my level and hugged me.

"Stay away from her! What the hell did you do!?" we heard someone from behind us. We quickly turned around and saw Shawn standing there. Nash let me go and stood up. Shawn helped me stand up and faced Nash.

"What did I told you? What did you do now!?" he said pissed off.

"I-I" Nash stuttered.

"Shawn, he didn't do anything" I sighed. Shawn faced me and gave me a warm smile.

"Are you sure?" he asked. I nodded. "Let's get out of here" said Shawn while holding my waist, we started walking away. But before that, I glanced at Nash, he was wiping tears from his eyes...Which made me cry a little.

{A/N~ Saaaad, soo sad...Stay tune for more. Please, Comment & Vote <3 Love you all!! 😘}

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