Chapter 25:

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~Nash's P.O.V~

~At North Carolina~

The minute we got off the plane I went rushing to Samantha. I hugged her and she smiled. I gave a little glare at Shawn and he rolled his eyes.

I smiled proudly and walked to the cab hand in hand with Samantha.

~At my House~

"Oh my...Sweetie, I'm so sorry" said my mom while rushing over to us.

"Is okay...I came because I want to be here when they find her. Which I know they will" Samantha gave to us a weak smile and grabbed her bags. Shawn and I exchanged some looks and grabbed Samantha's bags out of her hands.

"Don't worry baby, I got this" I smiled and walked to her room.

"No, I got this" said Shawn following me. I could hear the other guys chuckling.

We left the bags in Samantha's bed and remained quiet for a few minutes until Shawn decided to speak.

"Soo" he said crossing his arms.

"Soo" I echoed.

"Guys...Guess what...Magcon got cancelled" we heard Cameron.

"Why?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows in confusion.

"They didn't tell me why...I just know that it got cancelled for a few months.

Shawn and I nodded and kept looking at each other, don't saying a word.

"Ugh...Guys c'mon, why are you acting so weird?" we heard Samantha. I smiled and hugged her.

"I-I don't know...Wanna go somewhere?" I chuckled.

"We just got here" she said while sitting on a couch.

"I think I remember that I already said that fun has no limits" I winked. "Besides, you're MY girlfriend" I chuckled.

"Are you?" we heard Shawn say while sitting on the edge of my bed. All our attention was on Samantha. She looked nervous.

"I-I" she stuttered.

"Samantha" I said.

"I-I need to...Go" she said rushing over to the door. Leaving the room in suspense. An awkward and intense silence filled the air.

I glared at Shawn, who let out a heavy sight.

"Thanks a lot genius" I said annoyed.

"What did I do?" he asked surprised.

"You know exactly what you did" I said sitting on the couch. "You just have to confuse her...She knows she's my girlfriend"

"Then why she didn't say it right away" he sighed. I rolled my eyes.

"You know what...You are jealous, yeah...That's it!" I said.

"Me!? Jealous!? Of what!?" he asked standing up.

"That she's mine, but not yours" I chuckled.

"Okay that's it" he said and tried to punch me. But, Cameron started holding him to avoid the hitting.

"Dude, calm down" said Cameron.

"Let me go" he tried to get away from Cameron's grip. "You know what, forget it...I'm out of here" and with that, Shawn slammed the door behind him. I glanced at Cameron and he looked shocked.

"You got some explanation to do" he sighed.

"Well...Let me see..." I started.

{A/N~ Sorry if this chapter was too short, once again...Thanks for reading!! I mean...I started this book, like I don't know, a month? And already 7.3K reads!!...Thanks 💕 Don't forget to follow me on Twitter: @mbelendp

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