Chapter 35:

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~Shawn's P.O.V~

The ride was silently. Nash and Samantha were looking out the window. I decided to light the mood.

"I threw a wish in the well, I looked at you as it fell...Don't ask me I'll never tell...And now you're in my way" I started singing.

All the guys looked at me with a confused look. Samantha smiled.

"Your stare was holding, ripped jeans, skin was showing, hot night...Wind was blowing...Where you think you're going baby?" Samantha started singing.

A minute of paused. The guys smiled, even Nash...And we started singing.

"Hey, I just met you...And this is crazy, but here's my number...So call me maybe (We sang while doing the call me sign)...

Before you came into my life, I missed you so bad, I missed you so bad...I missed you so, so bad...Before you came into my life, I missed you so bad, and you should know that...So call me maybe..."

All the guys started laughing. I glanced at Nash, and he had a look of annoyance in his face, even if he was smiling during the song.

"C'mon Nash...You can't still be mad, have fun" I said chuckling and poking him in the cheek jokingly.

"Leave me alone" he said.

"Shawn, it's okay" Samantha smiled.

"Who gave you the right of talking, it's already enough that they are actually forcing me to give you a ride" Nash said angrily looking at Samantha.

"Nash!" I scolded.

"Okay guys, no need to yell" said Cameron.

"It's okay...I'm used to already shut up, getting hurt, and hiding what I feel" said Samantha while looking out the window.

"What was that?" asked Nash.

"You heard me" said Samantha not making eye contact. I looked at Nash and he gave me an angry look. I looked at the ground.

Yep, this was basically my fault...I was the one to kiss her. If I haven't kissed her, then none of this would've happened. I'm such an idiot. But...Everytime I'm around Samantha, I feel good...Great actually. I know I said I want Nash and Samantha together...But that day I wasn't thinking.

When we arrived at Nash's house. Samantha looked at me and gave me a hug, I smiled and we pulled away. I glanced at Nash and he looked annoyed. I know Samantha did that on purpose, which I don't care.

I just hope that Nash goes easy on her...

~Samantha's P.O.V~

Wow, Nash was really jealous, it was just a hug though...

"Move" he said tackling me to go inside the house first. I sighed and got to the house last. I decided to grab an apple and go upstairs and do my homework.

I went to sit in the desk and bit the apple when suddenly Nash appeared beside me.

"Don't mind if I do this" he said while taking my apple from my hand. He took a bit of it and placed it in my hand again. I rolled my eyes.

"Ew, your DNA is already here" I said annoyed.

"You didn't mind Shawn's" he rolled his eyes.

"Okay...Enough with the drama!" I said slamming the desk with my fist.

"What drama!? I'm being realistic" he said while getting closer to me. Inches away from each other's faces. We both exchanged looks from our lips to our eyes, continuously.

"I-I need to do homework" I said looking away. I don't know why I said that. I was actually dying to kiss him. It just felt so right. He nodded, but somehow looked annoyed. Perhaps he wanted the same thing as me.

He left the room and I looked at my book.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid" I mumbled.

I started doing my homework when suddenly my phone started ringing.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey Sam" it was Shawn.

"We just said goodbye to each other, why you calling?" I chuckled.

"I missed you" I could tell he was smiling. Thank god he couldn't see me blushing.

"I was wondering if you wanted to do something, with me...You know, a date..." he said. A minute of silence. Then another, and another.

"Umm, Sam? You there?" asked Shawn. My eyes wide open. In shock.


"Look, I was wondering If maybe, you know...Well" he said nervously. I chuckled.

"Would you go out with me?" he finally said. A huge smile appeared in my face. Do you know how much I waited for this moment?

"Of course, I would love to!" I said hugging him.


"I-I" Shawn started stuttering. I chuckled.

"I like you" he blushed.

"Really!?" I said trying to hide my excitement.

"Y-yes" he instantly frowned.

"What's wrong?" I asked concerned.

"Sam, I'm sorry"

"For wh-" I was cut off by something smashed against my dress. I quickly stood up and looked at my surroundings.

"Get her!" I heard someone shout. Suddenly people were throwing: Water balloons, eggs, and some cake...Then a water bottle, which made me fall and cut my right cheek. I looked at Shawn and he couldn't even look at me. I upper my face a little more and saw...Nash, Cameron, Carter, and Matt. Then I saw Shawn walking towards Nash.

~End of Flashback~

"Sam? Hello? Are. You. Still. There?" I heard Shawn. Suddenly I came back to reality.

"What? Ohh, yeah, yeah...I'd love to go out with you" I said.

"Great! I'll call you later" he said and then hung up.

"Shawn, huh?" said someone from beside me. I jumped with fear and stared at this person...Nash.

"I said, stop scaring me like that" I said annoyed. "Plus, why are you listening to my private conversations"

"I was just wondering, well...I already knew you guys were dating bu-"

"We're not dating" I said cutting him off. "I wasn't even dating you" I said standing up.

"What?" he asked almost in a whisper.

"You heard that right...You were the one that said I was dating you...I never said I was" I said crossing my arms.

I stared at his eyes. Full of pain and hate. I needed to look away.

"Fine! If that's what you want" he said while bringing my chin up for me to face him. "You asked for it" he winked.

Ohh crap.

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