Chapter 1. It's not that hard right?

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"How did you sort out the files that fast?" Sari, an indian exchange student who also works for the school's academic student supervisor internship, asked me as she files students record from her messy desk.

This job is offered for A grade students who want to get extra points. Those who want them can do it, and the other A grade students can choose not to. Sari and Cheska, my closest friend in this internship, and I are the few ones who took the oppurtunity in the senior class. Some of the A grade students from the lower years were here too.

"You gotta put it first in chronological order. Sort out the junior from the senior and when you're done, give the juniors their part. Now that you've got the senior's record, sort it out alphabetically." I said as I finished the last of the papers in front of me.

"Yea, okay. I got it now." She replied and she started digging in her papers.

I stood up to leave but not before saying, "And Sari.." She glanced up at me. "Remove the ones with failing grades from the bunch. There should be three division. One for those aces, one for those who are under provision or who are candidates for failing, and one for those who are already failing. It's so that the teachers can keep track of who to keep their eyes on and help them pass. The failing ones need counseling so send the papers to the counseling office. I'll head over there now. You gonna be fine with that or do you still need help?" I asked already to leave the door.

"No, Ems. I'm fine now. Thanks for the help." She smiled at me and I returned the gesture before leaving.

I was walking to the counsel office when I was knocked down by someone which resulted in the papers I was holding to scatter to the floor.

"Watch it!" I shouted. Geesh. Now I have to sort it again. Do people even use their eyes anymore?

"What did you say?" A guy stood before me while I picked up the papers which caused me to look up. God, I hate this position. I hated feeling so small.

He was wearing a black leather jacket with a gray v-neck inner shirt. His jeans clung to his legs perfectly though and he had this irritated look on his face. His blonde hair was toussled to the side which added to create a smug look on his face.

"I said watch where you're going. Can't you see?" I said with the same irritation. How dare he get irritated?! I was the aggravated one here.

"I can perfectly see that you don't know your place, midget." He said through gritted teeth.

And that drew the last straw of my patience.

I stood up, not that it really mattered since I was small compared to his height, and said, "You fucking twat! How dare you get angry at me when I'm the one you aggravated! You have eyes right?" I shout and he nodded with a shocked look on his face.

"Well use them you idiot! I was carrying more than what your ball sack could ever carry, and now, they're on the floor because of you!" Instead of being annoyed like how he was before he seemed fascinated at me.

The hell? Do I look like some kind of an entertainment show to him?

"Now are you going to help me pick them up or do I have to force you to pick them up with your scrawny fingers? I don't care how I'll do it but if I do, you won't like it." I say pointing my finger at him.

"Oh wow." He says grinning.

Now that confused me.

"What?!" I say irritated.

"Nothing. It's just that you're pretty funny. Thanks for all the insults, midget." He chuckled.

I sat back down picking up the papers so I whisper, "I'm more of a pretty than funny."

"Charming little one aren't you?" He was now crouched down and he was helping me pick up the papers. Did he hear me?

"I heard you." He says smiling.

Shit me now, I did not mean to say that aloud.

We finished picking up the last of the papers and we stood up. He handed me the papers he picked up and I thank him for it.

"I'm Kayden. But call me Kai. I could say it was nice meeting you but I'd be lying." He says smiling devilishly.

"I could say the same. I'm Emily. I like your honesty you doofus." I say.

"Well, you're pretty honest yourself." He says chuckling.

"I'm more of a pretty than honest." I say which earned me a chuckle. "But seriously, watch where you're going cause I ain't taking shit from anybody, not even a giant as yourself. I maybe a nerd, I maybe a little shy, but no one steps on me." I say.

He smiles at my words and I realize that he was a little handsome.

Okay, sorry, I lied. He's very handsome.

"I'm sorry for being a jerk a little while ago. Had a little fight with my brother so it kinda explains my bad mood. I'm nice.." He pauses then smirks. "But only when needed."

I laughed at his choice of words. "So you needed to be nice to me?" I asked smiling.

"Pretty girls need nice guys. As you said so yourself, you're more of a pretty than anything." He chuckled. "Can I walk with you to where you're going?"

I nod and we start to walk to the office.

"I'm guessing you wanna know why me and my brother fought?" He asked through the walk.

I shook my head and said, "Not rea-"

I got cut off as he continues, "Okay. So my brother was mad at me because I got mad at him for making out with his girl in the car we were both using. I mean come on. It's gross."

I chuckle at him. I really didn't wonder about what they were fighting about but he shared it to me anyway, guess he needed to let it out. All part of my job anyway so it's fine. "He's mad cause your mad? Nice brother you have there." I laugh a little.

"Don't get me wrong, he's a good brother, but come on, we share the car and for him to do that is gross. I'm not being gay and all but if things get heated in there and they escalate to something more, I ain't sitting down on where their.. liquid, touched." He grimaced at the thought and I believe so did I.

We reached the front door of the office and he gallantly opened it for me. I said my thanks and he replied with a smile. "I'll see you around. And if you ever need help, I'll be found in the academic student supervisor office as an intern." He nods and I add, "So when you have more brotherly problems, you know who to talk to." I smile at him.

"I'll put that in mind. See you around Emily." He says and leaves the office.

I turn around and saw Miss Louise sitting down on her chair behind her desk. She was reviewing the files one by one.

"Hi Miss Louise. Here's the papers but I have to rearrange them again. It fell while I was on my way here." I say.

"That's unlike you. Did something happen?" She asks. Oh she knows me well.

I wasn't clumsy.

"Yea. Someone bumped into me. But he apologized anyway." I said.

"But not without giving that said person a piece of your mind right Emily?" She grins. Told you she knows me that well.

"Yes Miss." I say smiling.

I was done organizing them and I handed it to her. "Here you go Miss."

"Thanks Em." She said and she looked at the papers.

"Do you need anything else?" I asked.

"No. You can go now." I was ready to go but as I packed my stuff from her office she calls me out.

"Em? Do you know this Keiran Livingston?" She asked. I shook my head and she continued. "Well, he's failing miserably. I mean, really miserable. You mind assisting him?" She asked.

Another student to tutor. How hard can it be? So I said yes.


Nevermind any grammatical or spelling errors. This is not proofread. Comment or give constructive criticism. Let me know what you think. :)

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