Chapter 6. Back to normal?

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I was already on my way to Keiran and Kayden's house when I spotted a car on the driveway. It was pink so I knew right there and then that it wasn't one of the twins' car. Well, just in case they had another one, I mean.

I spotted Lindsey in the porch and what looks like her and Keiran arguing.

I parked my car behind Lindsey's pink Mercedes. Mine was a matte black Audi R8.

Okay it's not mine actually, so scratch what I said earlier. It's my brother's car. Our dad gave it to him when he knew that Jay got accepted into Uni with a scholarship due to football in one prestigious school in the state.

Jay gave it to me to use since he said that he was staying inside campus and didn't need a car. He said I needed it more than him. Originally, I didn't want to accept Jay's offer since it was from our dad, but the doofus somehow coerced me into agreeing. I'm lucky like that with Jay.

So whenever Jay is home, which was barely, I let him use the car instead. I would give him the keys and let him use it, all day, all week, basically the whole of his stay here. It was his in the first place anyway.

Kei noticed me come up the porch but shunned me anyway.

Okay. So he's back to the cranky bad boy self again.

"But how will you get to school if you are not riding with me?!" Lindsey says in her high pitched voice.

"I'm not riding in a pink car." He says.

"Well, you rode with me yesterday!" She shrieks.

"When it's not moving." He says smugly. "And it's not considered as me riding, when you where the one riding me." He smirks towards me.

Too much information!

I grimaced at the thought; I think I even shuddered.

"Well, we could do that now." Lindsey says batting her eyelashes.

"I think I prefer the R8." He grins at me and Lindsey looks at me with wide eyes.

"Don't tell me something's going on between you two? Is that why she was here yesterday? Seriously, what's going on in that head of yours?" She asked Kei, rather mad. "You're choosing a nerd over me?" She says shrieking.

"Uh, no. I prefer the R8 over your pink mercedes." He corrects her in a duh tone.

Well, what do you expect? He'd choose me over the head cheerleader?

Well, not that I want him to choose me, but ego, you know. Ego.

She stomped her way to her car and drove off. "Your girlfriend's gonna be so mad at you."

"Can we just get to school now?" He says back to his normal expressionless self.

Why does this guy have so many sides? It's like deciphering a kaleidoscope. Which you'll never decipher anyway.

I nodded silently and we headed towards my car. The drive was silent, like eerily silent, so I turn on the radio.

"Kayden wants you to come over tonight." He suddenly says.

"Huh? Why?" I asked.

"He wanted to cook you something for last night."

"But we have lessons tonight. We gotta start with the tutoring, not that you really need them that much, but the exam's are coming and we gotta start, you know." I said, casually glancing at him to gauge his reaction.

"We can do it at home. I don't wanna hear Kayden grumbling all night long." He says grunting.

I nodded again and parked as we arrived the school's gates. I parked it near the entrance as much as possible and we both got out. "Just meet me here after school." I say.

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