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Hi! It's me. Hehe.

So if you haven't heard already, this book is currently being edited.

I am trying so hard to proofread and correct any grammatical or spelling errors this book may have, in order for me to provide you guys a better reading experience.

I realized that the spacing was a bit off especially if you read it using your phone so I had to change the spacing too.

But to those who have stayed with me from the beginning, DO NOT PANIC!

The book may be undergoing a revisioning and editing and all but the plot will still stay the same! So your favorite characters will stay as they are and the story will be the same as you have read and remembered it first. I promise!

I am just gonna add a few scenes here and there just to make everything go smoothly and to make the storyline flow better.

Please bear with me guys. I know that all of you have been so patient especially with my slow updates but I promise that we'll finish this book together.

Thank you so much for the love and support. For the votes and the comments. For staying with me even though I take forever to upload.

Thank you guys for the thousand reads! That means a lot to me. <3

So a few of you has questions for me! Let me answer some here.

What time do you usually upload and how often?

I don't have a specific time of when I upload a chapter. I just upload when I have free time, trying to balance life and all. Haha. And in regards with how often, well that just depends if I feel like the chap is good enough, I upload it immediately when I'm not busy. But mainly, the reason chaps takes too long to upload is because in the middle of writing I get a writer's block and lose motivation so I don't get to finish it.

Can you update faster?

I am trying. Hahaha. I am editing this book and trying to write a new chapter at the same time so updates are really slow right now.

Jake Taylor?

Aren't you interested? Hahaha. Don't worry. If you guys are patient enough I'll treat you to a chapter where you get to know more about Jake Taylor and some of Keiran's lunch buddies. ;)

Inspiration for writing this book?

I have a younger twin brother and sister (fraternal twins to be exact) and I just thought that it would be interesting to see the differences and similarities of twins so I somehow imagined a life of a twin.

Why doesn't Emily have a twin?

Well for starters, that would make the story very complicated for me. Second, I already had the ending in mind before I published this story and I didn't like the feeling of putting in a twin for the protagonist of the story. Lastly, I actually did plan for Emily to have a twin but as I said the ending would be cliche and I didn't like it so I stuck with Emily just being Emily. Hehe :)

Last but not the least!

Are you still alive?

Yes I am! (T.T) I know, I know. I have been missing for quite some time now. But I had a change of work and I can somehow manage my time now so I can finally edit and write at the same time! Hurrah! Our only enemy now is my writer's block. Hahaha

So if some of you still have questions in mind, do pm me and I will try to answer all of them. It might take me quite some time to notice your messages but I will get to them one by one!

So there we go! See you in my next update!

Love you babycakes! <3

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2018 ⏰

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