Chapter 16. You're so hot!

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"Sit down honey." Kathy orders me as I descend from my room to the kitchen.

I nod my head and chose to sit next to Kayden. Keiran looked up from where he was sitting and his eyes caught mine. He chooses to ignore me as Kathy lays down a plate of what seems to be my favorite, mash potato and roasted beef.

She must have spent an afternoon softening the beef as it was clearly tender to the taste. I moaned in pleasure and said, "This is so good."

Kathy grins a satisfactory grin and I could tell that she was happy that I love her cooking.

Moms will be moms I guess.

After dinner was done I offered Kathy help with the dishes but she declined saying it was Kayden's turn to wash the dishes tonight. I glanced an apologetic look towards Kayden but he just nods understandingly.

I had nothing else to do so I decided that I'd just head up to my room and do my homeworks. Keiran told me he didn't want to have lessons tonight so I respected that wish but honestly, I was hoping he'd cancel lessons since I was still mad at him, and it didn't have anything related to my period with me being my emotional state, but he was being a royal jerk to me and Kayden.

After I was done with my homeworks, I decided to change into a more comfortable clothes.

Comfortable clothes is code for me to wear my brother's shirt. You might wonder, how the hell does my brother have any more shirts to wear when I wear them all the time? Reason being, he left them at the house before Uni. When Jay got more toned and muscular as he entered college football, his older shirts wouldn't fit him anymore so he decided to buy a whole new wardrobe altogether. The only shirt that he gave from college is one Uni shirt that had the initials of the Uni.

God, I feel as if my lower abdomen is on fire. My whole body is on fire. It even hurts just to walk. Damn, menstrual cramps.

I mean, I didn't choose the period life. The period life chose me! You have to buy tampons just to stop the blood from soaking your favorite jeans. And tampons can get expensive, as if I have a choice! Women need to buy them just cause we can't stop bleeding for three to five days. It's unfair.

I decided I'd just sleep off the pain then. It's what I always do. That's right.. Sleep.. And the pain will go away.

"Where are we going?" I asked the man in the driver's seat. He had blonde hair and a caramel, no, almost golden eyes. They were majestic and mesmerizing.

"You'll see honey. But we're running kinda late so we have to hurry up to catch it." He looks at me and smiles at me as if I was the most precious thing he had in the world.

Who is this man? That's what I thought to myself.

Then slowly, as if I've been taken out of my body, I see myself as a child and the man driving in a third person's view. I was sitting on the backseat, and it gave me access to see what would unfold in the next events.

No. Not this again. I know how this ends!

"Stop the car!" I shout but no one hears me. Why can't they hear me? I've been here way too many times to see how this ends.

"Daddy, you're going too fast." The younger me says.

Listen to her! Please!

I felt my tears fall from my eyes, please stop this. I kept on shouting but still both of them doesn't hear me.

"Dad, slow down!" The younger me cries out.

"Dad, please. We're gonna crash!" She tries again. But when the man tries the brakes, they faltered and the car keep zooming downhill. That's when I saw it, we were supposed to go to a fair located just right below the hill.

"Look out!" She screams and the blinding headlights of an overspeeding car who was trying to overtake another car was flashed upon us.

My tears continued to fall as I sat on the backseat, finally giving up.

I knew it was gonna happen. We were gonna crash. I've seen this scene way too many times and every damn time, the ending is the same. But this time, I saw something new. The man who was clutching the steering let go of it and hugged the child. He protected from her the impact.

And I could no longer change everything I sat in the backseat, crying, as there were only seconds left before the impact.

"Emily!" My eyes flew open, thinking of the scene I was in. But now, I wasn't in the car, and the crash that was suppose to happen, didn't take place. Instead, I was in Kayden's former room with a tired but worried looking Keiran, sat beside my bed.

"Oh thank god you're awake! I heard you screaming and crying from the other room." He says hugging me to his chest. He felt cold to the touch considering he was only in his boxers. I could've swooned at the sight but I was still so scared of the dream. "You're so hot!" He exclaims.

"I don't think now is a good time to make sexual innuendos Ki." I say to him, slowly recovering myself from a daze I was in.

He chuckles lightly and shakes his head gently, "As much as I want to, I know when is the appropriate time to make innuendos. But Jaye, you're literally hot. You're body temperature is so high." He says as he puts the back of his hand in my forehead. "Your sweat is so cold but your body temperature is high. You have a fever." He says, his voice ever so gentle as if he thinks I'm gonna break anytime soon.

"I'll just go and get you something for that fever. Just sit down okay?" He exclaims as he stood up to leave the room. A few minutes passed, he was back with a tablet and a glass of water.

I drank it all in one go, downing the medicine along. "That tasted horrible." I say voicing out my thoughts.

"They're medicines. They're supposed to taste terrible." He jokes which earned him a chuckle from me.

"If you heard me screaming, then.." I falter my words. My embarassment taking over.

"Mom's room is downstairs so she couldn't have heard you. Kayden on the other hand sleeps like the dead. It would take three alarm clocks for him to wake up." He says as if reading my thoughts.

The gesture was subtle but it was sweet. He made a move to comfort me in my distress and even went as far as not to embarass me.

"Thanks." I say referring much more than him giving me medicine.

"For what?"

"For waking me up. For waking yourself up just for me. Really, for doing all of this." I gesture to the little space we had in between.

He scratched the back of his neck in that adorable manner as a sheepish grin taked over his lips. "I'm sorry for being a jerk today. I also apologized to Kayden since it mattered so much to you."

I don't usually hug people and I've never hugged a guy who wasn't family, but not only did I suprise Keiran by hugging him, I also surprised myself in doing so.

When he stiffened under my touch, I was supposed to let go but he surprised me even more when he hugged me back, squeezing me a little in the process. He tucked his head in crook of my neck as I rest mine on his. It was comforting really, and soon my body began to drift to another slumber, this time, I'm hopeful that it's a peaceful one.

Lesson learned, don't sleep with a grudge. It gives you nightmares.

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