Chapter 3. I like the other brother better. (Pt 1)

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I didn't know what to do. I was rooted to the ground I was standing in. There were two Kai(s) in the room. Two fucking handsome guys with the same face and the same everything!

"I see you've met my brother. Twin brother, if it wasn't obvious enough." Kai, the one who entered said while chuckling nervously. "That's Keiran. But people know him as Kei."

"Twin.. brother?" I asked incredulously.

"Unless you've seen someone who looks exactly alike without being related to one another then the answer to your question is yes." Kei answered without a trace of humour.

Oh my god. If Kai had a brother, a twin to be exact, and judging by Kai's behavior and what Kei is showing right now, these two could wreck havoc.

"Oh, I'm sorry Mr. Genius, but I guess you haven't heard of dopplegangers." I say trying my hardest not to roll my eyes at him.

"That is purely fictional. Have you ever heard of the word myth and legend?" Kei says. Hmn, now that made me wonder. He wasn't dense as I thought he would be. Actually he was putting up a good debate. So what's the story behind his failing grades?

"Okay. Chill. Everybody chill." Kai interupted us as the exchange of conversation is getting heated up. "Bro, be nice. She's my friend."

That brought a warm feeling to my heart. Kai called me his friend.

"What are you doing here anyway?" Kai asked me.

"Oh, right. I'm here to talk to your brother." I answered. Kai had this confused look on his face so I continued, "He's failing."

"Seriously?" Kai asked Kei. He shrugged nonchalantly and waltz back in the living room.

I look back at Kai and he was grinning like the cheshire cat. "What's the smile for?" I asked, confused.

"If either one of us fails, he doesn't have the privilige to use the car anymore. That means I get the car to myself." His grin was still there so I smacked him in the arm. "Ouch! What was that for?" He says rubbing his arm.

"You're brothers. You don't compete with one another over one stupid thing, no matter how great that thing is. Material things can be replaced but your brother can't be. You have no other twin brother, well unless you're triplets, so be nice. He's probably having a rough time right now that's why he's failing. So just understand him if he's being difficult with you." I said with a stern look.

"Well, I guess you're right. I'm sorry." He says in an apologetic manner but quickly replaces it with a grin. "But I still have the car to myself now." I chuckle as I swat his arm.

"Such a great brother you are." I joke.

"I know." He says feigning of fake enthusiasm.

"I gotta talk to him. Where is he?" I asked.

"In the living room. He likes to stay there whenever mom isn't around. His room is such a mess that he doesn't even wanna stay there." He says. "I'll go change upstairs while you talk to Kei. Call me when you need me. Okay?" He asks.

I simply nod and headed to where Kai pointed the living room was. There, I saw him with his back on me and he looked like he was bored. He was resting his head on the couch.

"So are you going to tell me I'm getting dropped out of school or what?" He asks without moving himself to face me. I was so surprised that I jumped back.

"You sure know how to give people a heart attack." I said finally releasing the breath I held for a few seconds.

I walked towards him and sat on the couch adjacent to where he was sitting. "So tell me, what's wrong?" I asked. I was used to this type of conversations. Being in the internship, it helped me overcome social anxiety. Sometimes you just gotta be around people.

"You already know the answer to that. I'm failing aren't I?" He said with the most expressionless face.

"No. Besides that." I said, inching closer to him. I didn't know why I did that but my mom told me if you want people to tell you something, you gotta make it seem like you're willing to listen to them. Reach out and let them know you can be there for them.

His face contorted in an adorable confused one. "What do you mean?"

"Well, for starters, you aren't as dense as I thought you would be. So what's wrong? I can tell right away that you're not an idiot." I said.

His face, one thay I did not expect, lit up and he suddenly chuckled. Now he's more like Kai. "Whoever told you I'm an idiot?"

"So why are you failing?" I asked.

"I don't know? School is boring." He said nonchalantly.

"I know you're the bad boy and all but seriously? That's just stupid. Not literally that you're stupid stupid but like stupid. What I mean is that it's a stupid idea. Do you know that Kai was smiling like an idiot to himself when he knew you were failing? But don't get him wrong he has reasons." I said defending Kai but lecturing Kei at the same time.

"I know. He'll get the car. I don't even care." He answered.

"Okay." I said. I was thinking of something to encourage him. Our school has this thing about reducing drop outs that's why we have this academic student supervisor program.

"So are you leaving now? You know my reason already." He said.

But I knew that wasn't the real reason.

"No." I said.


"No." His lips in a hard thin line. His patience was wearing thin.

"Leave or I'll do something you won't like." He said scooting closer to me that his face was like inches away from mine.


But I won't back down.

"Really?" I smirked. "Let's see you try."

He moved closer to me, inching his face slowly towards mine. His lips were so near mine and he said, "I could take you right here, right now. Kai might hear you scream but I'll be done with you by the time he reaches us." He said all smugness evident in his face but I laughed it off causing him to take a step back like he was taken aback or something.

"You think I'm not serious?" He asked surpised.

I laughed even harder which resulted in him to have a confused look on his face. "No. It's just.. that.. I came here like an hour ago. It took you an hour to open the door for me while you did your thing with Lindsey. So I'd doubt that you'd finish me off that quick." I say in between laughs.

Kai probably heard me laughing my ass off so he bolted to the living room immediately. "Wait! What did I miss? What are we laughing about?"

I shook my head still slightly laughing. "Nothing Kai. Your brother agreed to let me tutor him that's why I'm so happy. Ain't that right Kei?" I said hugging Kei by the shoulders although I had to tiptoe quite a bit due to his height.

I whispered ever so slightly so that only Kei would hear me. "Just say yes, you'll get a reward for it." I say talking about him getting his grades up. But he seemed to have took it in a wrong way and smirk at me. "Oh, I have a reward in mind." He says.

Oh god, I have one freakishly annoying yet adorable Kai and one devilishly conniving yet handsome Kei. But I think I like the former better.

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