Chapter 4

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Doe, why are you standing there just watching?! Let us out! Please, baby!

I shot up in my bed, shaking.

Oh god, she's still here?

She was still here, standing at my opened closet, which I never left open.

I couldn't see her face. She was looking down, her clothing torn, the darkness of the closet and her hair concealing her face. But, it was definitely her, without a doubt.

My mom.

"M-mom?" I asked, hesitantly. She looked up, earning a scream. Her face wasn't even a face. The only thing I could really see horrified me.

Blood and muscles were all she had.

She got onto all fours and crawled over to me, paralyzing me in fear; my scream refused to escape my throat. She jumped on me from the floor and started screaming in agony. I joined her in her screams.

That's when I truly woke up.

My eyes instantly snapped to the closet door, which was closed like it usually is. I turned on my light, in fear of what I'd see hiding somewhere in my room.

A quick scan of my environment proved that I truly was alone... like I always was.

My dream left me shaken and I couldn't stand it in my room anymore. I quickly pulled on a long sweater and some leggings and snuck out the house. I had no destination in mind, but of course, I ended up at the cliff.

Was I contemplating suicide again? Did I feel like going behind his back?


But I couldn't bring myself to do it. I admired his sincerity, though I didn't want to admit it. I used to be like him. Maybe that's why I hated him so much.

He made me miss the old me.

"What are you doing?" I heard a voice ask, and pull me away from the edge of the cliff. "We had a deal, Doe—"

"I wasn't going to jump off," I said, honestly, though surprised he was even there at this time of night. "I just... I had a nightmare, okay? I needed some fresh air."

"Oh," he said, but his voice was unsure. "Want to tell me what it was about?"

"I rather not say," I replied, curtly. "What are you doing out here?"

A glint of mischief ran through his eyes as he mockingly replied, "I rather not say."

"I hate you," I snapped, though I was slightly amused. What was this weird mood I was in?

Oh god, no. My dream made me want comfort. So, I was slipping out of my cold barrier.

I couldn't allow that.

I straightened myself up a little and stared out at the dark sea, and crashing waves on the shoreline of the beach.

"I usually come out here to soothe my nightmares too," he said. "I don't know why staring off into darkness, with anything possibly out there, is in the slight bit comforting, but it is."

"Hm, I guess," I replied.

"Want to sit?" he asked.

I debated for a moment.

"Before you make your decision, know that I don't bite," he said, and then grinned, sitting down. I rolled my eyes and then sat next to him.

"Are you ever going to tell me about yourself?" he asked.

"You ask a lot of questions, don't you?" I replied.

"Hey! I'm a curious person!" he said in mock hurt.

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