Chapter 8

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"What is your favorite music group?" Caleb asked, as we laid next to each other, staring up at the stars.

"I don't know," I replied, dully. "I haven't thought much about that really. I mean... I haven't listened to music much lately."

"Whoa, you're serious?" he asked.

"Yeah," I muttered. "Music takes me into the deep recesses of my mind and I honestly don't want to be there."

"Well sad music will definitely do that," Caleb said, "and I'm assuming you listened only to sad music."

"No," I said, hesitantly. "I'm just really weird. Music, no matter what, always makes me sad. Ever since my parents died I have yet to hear a happy song. Nothing really makes me happy anymore."

"How about our dance session?" he asked.

"In the moment it did," I mumbled, and then through a yawn said, "but now..."

"'But now' what?" he asked.

"But now I paint gray all over the memory," I said, sighing at how crazy that sounded and seemed.

"You should paint bright colors all over it!" he said, suggestively.

"You're basically saying I should paint your colors all over it," I replied without thinking, which then made me instantly regret it.

"Well, I can't see my colors; but, I remember you telling me to make them 'dull' or something like that, which means they're bright and annoying to you, so sure!"

I turned my head to look at him and saw him looking back at me. The rosy red color surrounded him. I blinked for a second, and then turned away, clearing my throat. His color changed again, back to his usual normal colors.

"Is that a yes? Have you finally given in to my charms?" he asked, causing me to look at him again while he made a ridiculous face. It was a mixture of amusement and something else.

"No, shut up," I snapped, frowning, and looking away.

"So feisty, Feisty!" he chuckled.

A comfortable silence surrounded us, and I really wanted to know what he was thinking.

You're starting to care. You can't do that. But I couldn't fight off my curiosity.

"What are you thinking?" I asked.

"I was about to ask the same thing," he laughed.

"Oh, ha," I said, kind of amused, but I didn't smile.

"Feisty, do you trust me?" he asked, after a moment.

"Sort of," I said, hesitantly. "Don't ask me why."

"All righty," he replied.

I nodded and then found myself starting to not think anymore. The twilight sky soon put me to sleep.


I feel his arms wrap around me. We're still by the cliff, laying under the stars.

"I know you're asleep," Caleb whispers, which automatically makes the 'dream me' shut my eyes. "So I guess this is the best time to say this, because I know you'd probably punch me if you I told this to you when you're awake but... I'm sorry. I'm so very sorry. Even if you may not believe this: things will get better. I don't care how long it takes for you to see that because I will be with you each step of the way."

He pauses, and then lets out a chuckle.

"I know it would be strange to hear me say this but... I care about you. I know we practically just met but... I do care about you. I'm not in love with you or anything weird. You're my friend. I care and love all of my friends. So... I don't know... Just... I want you to know that when you're in pain, I feel it too."

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