Chapter 18

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Happy? Why wouldn't Caleb be happy? What's that supposed to mean?

I looked back out towards everyone playing and Caleb came sneaking up to us, looking around before tagging us both. We swam out again, and saw Violet and Charlotte coming at us.

"I can hold them off, just swim without me," Jake said, being dramatic on purpose. We laughed and then swam further off together. Ryan came out of nowhere and was aiming to get me. He lunged for me, and I dove under the water. When I emerged, Caleb was detouring him another way. I kept swimming until Rocco came after me. I smiled at him, and he smiled back. I started swimming away and he swam after me.

"I got 'er Rocco, go help Ryan with Caleb," Derek commanded. Nervousness ran through me and I didn't know what to do. Rocco swam past me towards Caleb and I was considering joining him. I dove right towards Derek's legs, which threw him off, causing him to jump out of my way. I kept swimming and then got air again. When I did, he was right there next to me, a big smile on his face.

"You can't get away from me, angel," he said. I smiled, but it wasn't sincere. I was just smiling to not hurt his feelings or make him feel weird.

But maybe I shouldn't have done that.

"Come here," he said. I tried diving past him again, but he grabbed me by my waist, pulling me to him. My eyes widened, and I knew not to put up a fight, or else he'd probably kiss me again. He pulled my arms behind my back.

"I didn't think you'd give in to me that quickly," he whispered in my ear, kissing a little bit near it. My eyes scanned for Caleb who was staring at us from the jail. His colors were a dark red.

"I haven't given in to you," I said.

"That's not what your arms behind your back say," he said, a smirk in his voice. He then dragged me over to the jail and placed me in it.

"Hey, Caleb," Derek said, nodding at him, and then swimming off.

It was silent for a moment before Caleb asked, "You having fun?"

"Kinda?" I replied. And that's all he said to me.

The game continued on with us rotating who the cops and robbers were. We eventually decided that it was time to eat and got out the lake. Violet's parents already had a meal prepared for us. We all ate and I even contributed my voice in some conversations.

Day turned to night which caused Derek to have the brilliant idea of telling scary stories. Not everyone was fond of it.

"Come on guys," Derek protested, "this won't be the typical camping experience without scary stories being told. It's a tradition we must fulfill."

Everyone finally agreed, but I still wasn't too keen on it. I wouldn't have minded as much if my parents weren't haunting my dreams.

"I'll tell one of my favorite stories. One I made up," Derek said. Charlotte scoffed, and cuddled next to her brother.

"So. There's this guy. That's what we'll call him. Guy," Derek started.

"Guy pie shy cry sigh--" Anthony interrupted, only to have the same done to him.

"Shut up," Manny laughed. Ryan rolled his eyes and moved closer to Violet who didn't seem to notice a thing. Her eyes were glued to Derek as if she was entranced by his story already.

"So... It started out with the marbles on the floor. Soft, silent... But not in a way where it didn't wake him. He looked around in the darkness of his room to see what could've caused it. Nothing moved. He was glad. Heck, I think everyone would be."

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