Chapter 20

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Doe's Colors (above^)

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Doe's Colors (above^)

Caleb's Colors (above^)

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Caleb's Colors (above^)

A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in what has felt like years... School has me beyond busy and exhausted but I'm trying to update as frequently as possible! Please don't hate me! I'm going to make this chapter as long as possible to make up for lost time so be patient with me...


"Doe, this may have a hazardous result on your grade," my teacher said. "Going on vacation early before winter break? Staying a few extra days after it ends? Why would you do that?"

His leg was bouncing up and down and he seemed beyond frustrated. I was confused as to why he cared so much.

"It's not such a big deal," I commented.

"Doe, let me be honest with you," he said. "When I look at you, I see me. You are like who I was. Someone unhappy. Someone who went through a lot and turned cold because of it. And although now you're blossoming, you're making really bad choices."

"Someone attacked me in my home!" I burst. "My grandpa said we need to leave to let things cool down a while."

"Oh... Oh no," he said, genuinely concerned, and a little bit embarrassed. "What happened?"

So I explained the events of a few nights ago.

"That's awful," he said. "Is that why you were absent? Is that..." He paused to get a better look at me. "A mark on your cheek?"


"I'm so sorry... All right, here's what we'll do: I'll talk to all the other teachers, as will you, to let them know what happened and your plan. We'll accommodate you as much as possible with lessons and schoolwork."


It was so strange going back home.

It's not like I was away for years. It was hardly a month. But it felt like forever.

Driving into town and seeing all the things I'd been missing made me wish I never came back. I was going to miss this place, even more, when I had to leave again.

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