Chapter 31

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I heard the bullet, but I didn't feel it.

The sheriff did.

He groaned, pushing me down to the floor with his remaining strength and he fell with me.

"No!" I screamed. "No, no, no!"

Not again! This can't be happening. He took the bullet. He took the damn bullet! Where did he even come from?!

I leaned over his body, pressing down on his wound. I heard the gun cock again.

"No," I sobbed, angrily, applying more pressure. "You... you killed him! You were supposed to kill me!" I watched his life slowly draining away in his eyes.

"I'll be sure not to make that mistake again," she hissed, pressing the gun against my temple.

The anger inside me that was bubbling up seemed to be losing control. A red haze clouded my vision.

Your actions have consequences, you dumb bi--

I hit the gun out of her hand before she could shoot me in the brain. It clattered to the floor a distance away. She went to lunge for it. I grabbed her by her mask and yanked her to the floor. She pulled out a knife.

"Let's go, little girl," she snapped. "You want to fight? We can fight." This is unfair... I have no weapon.

There was a lamp right next to me. I yanked it out of the socket in the wall taking it off the table. She made a noise in the back of her throat.

"What are you going to do? Light me up?" she snickered. I stared at her for a moment and then slammed the lamp on the table. It shattered, presenting many sharp edges for me to use. Her demeanor changed. She now seemed calculating. It was a scary moment, but I didn't let that cloud my judgment. I just watched her hands and the movement of her legs.

"I could cut you open right now," she hissed.

"Then do it," I growled in reply.

"With pleasure. Come this way."

"Not a chance. You come to me."

"Not a chance."

"Seems like we're in a bit of standstill then."

"Seems like it." We both paused for a second. 

"Why don't you just go?" I finally asked.

"It's too late for--" She was suddenly yanked down to the ground by Mr. Russell, who I hadn't even noticed approached. I was too busy staring at her hands.

"Get off of me," she growled. Mr. Russell grunted and moved away. I saw blood flowing out of the palm of his hands.

She cut him...

She lunged for me, tripping to stand up, which I was prepared for. I swiped her in the face causing her to howl. She stumbled back and then turned to see him.

"I'll tell them all--" Before she could finish wherever she was going with that sentence, there was gunfire. She stumbled back and then fell to the floor.

"You didn't..." she said, her voice cracking. She sounded hurt. Not just physically, but also emotionally. He cocked the gun again.

"You're not hurting my student," Mr. Russell said, quietly. He aimed at her head.

"No, don't--!" she begged, only to be interrupted by the fire of the gun.

I stood there, numb. She begged but it didn't help. Now she has a bullet in her head.

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