Chapter 14

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After going on a date and spending the day together, Logan said he'd help me sleep. I was starting to let down my barriers with him because he really did seem to be innocent.

That was until he started kissing me. I really wasn't in the mood, especially because although I was letting down my barriers, I wasn't ready to get back together with him.

"No," I said, pushing him away. "Stop."

"I wanna take us to the next level. We've missed so much time. Please?"

"I'm not ready."

"I thought you loved me," he said, after a moment of silence and anger. "If you loved me you would have sex with me."

Anger boiled up in my stomach, and I pushed him away from me.

"If you loved me, you would've never tried pressuring me into having sex in the first place," I hissed.

"Maybe it wasn't a mistake getting kissed by that other girl," he said, ruefully. That surprisingly didn't hurt me. I was already disconnected from him.

"Cool. Now get out of my room." He looked at me and started tapping his foot impatiently.

"Doe, you know me," he said. "I'd never do anything to hurt you. Why won't you trust me on this?"

"Because I know where you want this to lead and I'm not ready for that," I stated, plainly. "And besides, you saying 'maybe it wasn't a mistake' was clearly to hurt my feelings."

"No baby, nothing like that," he murmured, and then pushed me down onto my bed, kissing me. My anger was bubbling but I tried to remain calm. If I let it go, I was going to kill him. Not literally... I don't think.

I bit his lip hard enough to make him bleed, and he yelped, moving away.

"Leave," I said, calmly, sitting up.

"Your grandparents are sleeping, come on, pleaseeeeee," he whined, while wiping it.

"Yeah, so? Lemme wake them up," I said. "GRAN--" He covered my mouth and shoved me down to the bed. A dangerous glow was in his eyes.

"I haven't been with you in a long time and I want to express my love to you in a more intimate way," he growled. "We're doing this. But I don't want to hurt you. So I need you to get into this as much as I am."

I punched him hard, making him turn his head, a growl escaping his throat.

"We'll have no more of that," he said, and grabbed the two hands I was using to attempt to push him off of me. He pinned them above my head and had a steel grip on my wrists.

"I want to kiss you but I don't know if you're going to bite me again," he said, softly. "So we're going to start somewhere lower. Much lower." I shook my head and started kneeing him in the back. Hard.

"You want it rough?" he asked, his voice going deep. "Well fine!" His hand roamed down toward my thigh, squeezing, and going up. I wasn't going to let this happen. I couldn't. I was worried about breaking boundaries in how much I'd hurt him, but at that point I didn't care anymore.

I bit his finger into my mouth and then heard a sickening snap. He screamed and rolled off of me. I jumped up, looking at him. There was a look in his eyes as he examined his broken finger that made me know I'd need more than just fists to defend myself against him. I threw myself at him, shoving him against the end of the bed, causing him to flip over and groan.

I leapt off my bed, yanked the lamp off my nightstand, plunged us into darkness, and approached him.

"You stupid f***ing b***h," he growled. "I'm going to get what I want whether you like it or not!" His rage worked in my favor.

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