Chapter 13

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Thanks divamia123 for inspiring this chapter!


"I'll go get it," my grandpa said, and stood up, leaving the dining room. I started to serve him until he came back. "Doe, this visitor seems to be for you." Standing behind him was my one and only ex-boyfriend. Shock and fury filled me and I stood up immediately.

"What are you doing here?" I growled. His eyes pleaded with me.

"Doe, I just want to talk about some things," he said, his voice attempting to soothe my rage. "Please. Let's just talk."

"There's nothing to talk about and I want nothing to do with you!" I shouted.

"Well, my granddaughter has spoken," my grandpa said. "I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

"Doe, please," he begged, ignoring my grandpa. "I want to talk. I just need to let you know what happened."

"What happened? I'll tell you what happened. You cheated on me. I don't need you to tell me anything else. You did the most cliché thing you could've ever done, and I don't know why you'd want me to talk to you about it. Now, goodbye." His face fell, and he turned, making his way out of the house.

His colors were black.

A few seconds after leaving, another knock sounded on the door. My grandpa stormed out of the room to the door. I expected him to start yelling, but instead a new face appeared in the kitchen.

My best friend, Nory.

"Hey, Doe," she said, and smiled, almost relieved. "I haven't seen you in... two months. You didn't call or text me or..."

"I'm sorry, Nory," I whispered. Out of all people, I didn't expect to see her there.

"I mean, it's fine," she sighed. "I understand. Slightly. Did you miss me?"

In all honesty, no.

"It's hard to miss people when you're buried in self pity," I mumbled. "What are you doing here? Did you come with him?"

"Logan? Yeah. Out of all people, I didn't want it to be him but... he was the only one who wanted to drive this far."

"Your mom is okay with this?" I asked.

"You know damn well she doesn't give a damn about me," she said, rolling her eyes. I cleared my throat uncomfortably and looked at my grandparents.

"Hey, this is Nory, my best friend. Nory, these are my grandparents."

"Pleasure to meet you, hun," my grandma said, and shook Nory's hand.

"As for you," Nory said, giving her a light smile.

"Glad you're here for, Doe," my grandpa said, giving her a warm pat on the back. She smiled at him and nodded.

"Here, sit, have some breakfast," my grandma offered.

"No no, I don't mean to intrude," Nory apologized. "I just want to talk to Doe quickly. Unless you'd like me to wait until after breakfast."

"No, I'll talk to you now if it's quick," I interrupted, standing up and going to her. "Let's go to my room."


"So, what's up?" I asked, sheepishly, while sitting on my bed.

"I missed you," she said, and gave me a tight hug. I hugged her back even though I was uncomfortable.

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