Chapter 26

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Quick Summary: I haven't updated in a really long time (school eats away at my life) so I'm gonna put up a quick summary. Doe is in the hospital because she was stabbed by a police officer sent to kill Caleb by the man. When she wakes in the hospital she thinks she sees the man and he tells her that he's going to give her a bit of a break and cease going after Caleb as well (for now). She then falls asleep before she can see who he is.


I woke with a start as my eyes darted around the room causing Caleb to jump in his seat beside me.

"Doe," he breathed. "Are you okay?"

"The man came last night," I said, causing Caleb to raise his eyebrow. "I know he did."

"Doe, Mr. Russell came last night, not the man," Caleb said, rubbing my arm.

"No! I saw the man!" I snapped.

"Doe, the pain meds could've caused you to hallucinate. I assure you the man never showed up. They wouldn't have let a creepy man in here."

"That's impossible..." I'm missing something. I can't figure out what that is. "I'm positive he was here... I think..."

"Hey, Doe," Mr. Russell, my English teacher, came in the room, smiling. His blue color was baby blue, tinted slightly pink.

Was it always like that? It's so pretty...

"Mr. Russell! What are you--"

"Your grandparents sent out an email about your situation and the very low probability of you going home anytime soon. Caleb also filled me in about Charlotte missing and... you've got a lot on your plate. The both of you." His eyes went from me to Caleb. Caleb looked away.

"So, here's what we're going to do," Mr. Russell said, smiling sadly. "We're going to send you homework electronically and send recordings of our classes. Feel free to email us questions."

"The both of us?" I asked. Mr. Russell gave me a confused look so I gestured to Caleb.

"Oh. Well, Caleb doesn't really have a reason not to go back to school."

"He's a target."

"Not so much as you. He doesn't have an excuse."

"I'm telling you, Mr. Russell, he's a target. I've been on the phone with this maniac and he has threatened to kill Caleb so many times. I will not put him in danger. I will protect him no matter what. He's safe with me."

"Do you have permission from your parents?" he turned, asking Caleb.

"My dad says it's probably safer that I stay away," was all that Caleb said before turning abruptly and leaving the room.

That was weird...

Mr. Russell sighed and then looked at me.

"How you doin', kiddo?" he asked.

"I'm all right," I muttered. "Could be better."

"I can imagine," he said and sat down next to me. I stared up at the ceiling. There was a long moment of silence. I was starting to fall asleep even though I was uncomfortable with him there.

Then he spoke, knocking me out of my daze.

"You know when I said that you reminded me of me... I wasn't exactly telling the truth. Well, I was, but not the whole truth." I looked at him hesitantly.

"What do you mean?"

"I did lose my dad in a car accident, but it wasn't just him and me in the car. I lost my daughter as well. She was fourteen. First year of high school..." He broke off and took a deep breath. His colors grew darker but they didn't change into grief.

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