Chapter 7

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"Doe, please pay attention," my English teacher said, sighing.

"Sorry," I muttered, turning my head away from the window to look at him and the lesson. That weird blue color surrounded him, discomfort flooding me.

"Thank you," he said, and then got back to the lesson.

When class ended, I made sure to be the first one to leave as he turned to erase the board behind him. He was giving me strange vibes and I wanted nothing to do with him.

I barely remember my other classes; I just remember doing well on one test I had, and doing pretty bad on another one, even though I passed it. So, you know... about a D.

School was a chore for me. I wasn't seeing myself passing anything and junior year was the year not to play games. I couldn't care less what college I got into, though. I wasn't interested anymore.

At lunch, I sat down at my usual table, eating the food that seemed to have no flavor, and stared at a wall without looking at my peers' faces. I was painting gray all around my mind. I found comfort in the color and wished that the world could just be filled with it. Then maybe I'd be happy.

My lunch was snatched away from me by one of Caleb's friends and I was lifted up by Caleb onto his shoulder.

"You had to take the hard way, didn't you?" he asked.

"Caleb," I grunted. "I hate you."

"Love you too, sweetheart," he said, teasingly. He walked to his table, while carrying me, and I felt eyes on me. I peaked around to see random people looking, but losing interest relatively quickly. I mentally sighed in relief.

Caleb set me down in a chair next to him, and then sat down beside me. I let him and his friend get comfortable, and then realized all of his friends' eyes were on me. I wanted to tell them all to go to hell, but instead I stood quickly, attempting to leave. He grabbed me, and sat me back down, and then wrapped his arm around my waist.

"No no no," he laughed. "Now you have to stay here like this. Now look what you've done! Some nosy weirdos might think we're dating. I'll blame you if that happens."


"Hush, Feisty," Caleb said. "Now, these are my friends. Derek, Manny, Charlotte, Violet, Rocco, Anthony, Ryan, and Jake. Everyone say hi to Feisty... a.k.a. Doe."

They all smiled, waved, and said hello.

Derek had brown eyes, and brown hair. He was attractive, but not really. It's weird to explain. Manny also had brown hair and brown eyes, but was more fit than Derek. Charlotte could've been Caleb's twin. She had the same black hair and dark green eyes.

"Are you two related?" I whispered.

"Charlotte and I, I'm assuming? Yep! She's my sis. Older than me by an hour." Why does he solely blame himself for his mom's death then? I nodded, and then looked to Violet.

I felt sick. She was the Violet I was mean to a couple of days ago. She was talking to Charlotte, not really paying me any mind. She had pastel purple hair, with light blue ends. It really fit her. Her blue eyes were also as light as the dye on her ends.

Rocco had blond hair and amber eyes. He was probably the most attractive out of all of the guys, besides Caleb; his eyes were beautiful and held so much expression. I could automatically tell he was a sad person. But, he seemed to smile a lot.

Anthony had a lot of pimples on his face. That was the first thing I noticed about him. I automatically felt bad for him. Hopefully, he wasn't too self-conscious about himself. Besides that, he had blue eyes and dark brown hair. He was still attractive even though he unfortunately had to deal with those blemishes.

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