Chapter 9

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"Doe," my mom says, sounding strangled. I open my eyes, and am greeted by the ceiling of my room.

"Doe," it's my dad's voice this time. I sit up and look around. My dad and mom are hanging in front of me. They both have a tight noose wrapped around their neck.

"Help us," the say, gasping. I frantically run to them, and try to hold them up so they stop hanging because apparently that's what my brain thinks will help in my dream, but their bodies refuse to cooperate. It doesn't matter anyway. They're dead. I step back, crying. That's when their bodies go up in flames, which causes my whole room to start burning.

I scream and look for an exit, but I'm trapped and surrounded by the intense heat of the fire.

"Help!" I scream. "Someone help me! Caleb! Caleb, help!"

"You deserve this, Doe!" my mom shouts, emerging from the flames, burning. Her eyes are still visible through her burning flesh. They're angry.

"You can find peace," she says, "if you burn in the flames with us."

I scream when she jumps on me, hugging me to her, forcing me to die.

I woke up still screaming. I was sweating, and couldn't see. I sobbed as I threw the covers off of me, greeted by cooler air.

A knock sounded on my door.

"Doe?" Caleb asked.

"What?" I half-sobbed, pushing my sweat-soaked hair out of my face.

"Are you all right? I heard you scream."


"Can I come in?" I didn't answer him. He slowly opened the door. I didn't even look.

"Did you have a nightmare?" he asked, softly. His colors instantly flooded the room, filling me with warmth and comfort. I turned to look at him, and nodded.

"Come to the living room with me," he said. "Let's watch something funny together." I nodded and stood, following him out of my room.

As we went downstairs, I questioned, "Why is it that you heard me, but my grandparents didn't?"

He chuckled, "That's a good question. I'm assuming because they're older and can sleep through the world ending." I felt the urge to smile, and shook my head. What is with you, Doe?

We sat down on the couch together. I kept distance between us. He didn't seem bothered by that at all.

I grabbed the remote to the TV, and then turned it on. I put on A Monster in Paris on Netflix. It's a cute animated film that was originally made in French, but then also made for an English audience. I really liked the music in it; I think that's why I put it on.

We were a few minutes into the movie when he asked, "What was your nightmare about? That is if you're ready to talk about it." I played with my fingers and bit my lip.

"It was strange," I muttered. "My parents were in my room... hanging. I was trying to help them but... they died anyway. And then they caught on fire. The fire spread around my room. I couldn't escape. I was screaming for help. And no one came to help me. My mom emerged from the flames and killed me." I didn't add in that I screamed for him, or what my mom said to me about finding my peace if I burned too.

"The reason I woke up was because I heard you calling for me," he said. I felt my cheeks heat up which surprised me because I never blush. I was hoping he didn't see it.

"Yeah, I did call for you," I whispered, honestly.

He reached over to my face and rubbed his thumb across my cheek saying, "I'm glad you thought about me in your dream, and that when you needed help you called for me. I want trust from you, and I'm starting to get it. The more trust we have, the stronger our friendship will become. Maybe then we can have a 'bestfriendship', yeah?"

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