Chapter 5

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I slowly ate my ice cream as Caleb chatted on about things that bored me. "Anyway, how do you like the ice cream?"

"I hate it," I said solemnly. "It makes my teeth cold. But taste-wise... I guess it's good."

"Well, at least you're satisfied," he said. "That's what I want. And hey, guess what? There's no ice cream in death!"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," I said, rolling my eyes. He gave a silly smile that almost made me want to smile back.


"How're you liking school?" he asked when I didn't make an effort to converse.

"I hate school," I replied. "It's gross, along with the people. They're starting to notice me and I hate it."

"I don't think people never noticed you," he said, amused. "They just tend to stay away from people who seem to be mean."

"Well, they're smart," I said, resuming the shoving of chocolate ice cream into my mouth.

"Are they?" he asked. "I think they're missing out."

"Hah, on what?" I scoffed. "The only thing they're missing out on is a crappy friendship."

"So you think our friendship is crappy?" he asked, seriously. The colors around him suddenly turned a shade of gray I'd never think I'd see on him.

"Yes," I said, honestly. "And not because of you—because of me. I don't like people and... I try my hardest to shut them out.I'm doing a pretty good job with you."

"Ah!" he said, his colors turning bright again, relieving me. "I think you're wonderful!"

"You're a liar," I growled.

"I've never had a friend as real as you are," he said.

"As mean as I am, you mean."

"Nope. You're real. You're not afraid to put me in my place or to hurt my feelings with your honesty. I actually like it."

"You're like a freaking puppy who always gets kicked and still loves his owner."

"See what I mean!" he said, a grin forming on his face.

The corner of my lips twitched slightly, but then I shook my head, growing serious again.

Don't let the old you out. She's dead. And should remain dead. She died with her old life and her old friends and isn't wanted back.

"Yeah, I guess," I muttered.

"You know I'm right," he teased.

"Are you?" I asked, looking straight into his eyes.

"Yep," he replied, smiling, knowing that he annoyed me.

"I hate you," I said, eating more ice cream.

"Aw, love you too sweetie," he said, winking, and pinching my cheeks.

"Don't touch me!" I snapped. The grin never left his face.

"Okay, Feisty, I'm sorry," he said, raising his hands in mock surrender.

"Whatever," I muttered, looking out at the rain. An emotion ran in me that I tried to subdue. Sad-anger.

That emotion is the worst. It was when you're at a point where you're so overwhelmed with emotions. They get so conflicting that you end up just crying it out in order to get it off your chest.

Except I didn't want to cry. Not in public. Not with Caleb around.

I closed my eyes, keeping the tears that were burning my eyes away from the cold air of the ice cream store. Though my face was hot with subdued tears, if I let them out, they'd just cool off in the air, making me uncomfortable with their plastery-ness. I didn't want that.

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