Second Draft, Sequel(?), and Other Stories

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Hi guys!!

So, this story needs a lot of work as you can tell, but I won't change anything in this book (I've already done that and I realize that annoying for you folks as the readers). Instead, I'll create another draft of the book, which will be a little different, because I want to write the story better.

Also, I didn't forget about this sequel I suggested, but it's really based on how much you guys want it...

In addition, I'm working on several stories right now, which is a bit overwhelming, but I'm excited at the same time. And, they're getting updates every Wednesday or Friday (yes, I'm being consistent)!

The first one is Invasion, which is science fiction but designed to be more like a TV show. You have your main characters, sub-characters, and points of view switch a lot. So, if you liked the thriller aspect of this story, I think you'd like Invasion.

The second one is Little Sweet Dreamer which messes with all the cliches but tries to have fun with them in the way I like to. It's about a "bad boy" (although he's really just a troubled teen like almost every teen is with these hormones) and the girl who's the "nerd" and mute. If you like a simpler read which not so heavy themes, that's the book for you.

The third one is actually a Hunger Games fanfiction that I haven't published yet. Yes, I'm late with the Hunger Game fanfic, and yes this is the first fanfiction I've ever written, so we'll see how this goes. This is more for fun, and all the credit goes to the amazing Suzanne Collins who brought such an awesome trilogy into the world.

So, to end, thank you all for the massive support you've given this book, and I hope you find another story on my profile to support as well.

Happy Wattpadding!

-Lien A.

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