Chapter 27

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At first, I was relieved when I saw Max on the caller ID. I was afraid it'd be the man telling me he killed someone else or was outside the Airbnb or something like that.

But then my stomach dropped at the fire in Caleb's eyes.


Caleb grabbed my phone and picked up, putting it to his ear.

"Hello?" Caleb said.

"Caleb stop!" I protested, jumping on him. He easily kept me away from the phone.

"Yeah, this is Doe's phone. Who are you, may I ask?"

"Caleb!" I growled. "Get off the phone!"

"Yeah Max, that's Doe. She's trying to get her phone back. She didn't want me picking up." He outstretched his arm, pushing me away from him.

"Caleb, I'm going to punch you!" I shouted.

"Who am I? One sec." Caleb put the phone face down on the bed stand and pounced on me, taking both my hands in one of his and pulling them far above my head. He laid down on me and with his other hand picked up my phone.

"Yeah, everything is all right here. I'm Caleb. I'm Doe's boyfriend. You?"

I heard laughing on the other end of the phone line. And then he spoke.

"No one special? Well, that's a relief for me, right?" Caleb laughed, earning a chuckle from the other line.

"So do answer this: why are you calling her?" He listened.

"Yeah, it's a little weird for you to be calling her."

"Get off the phone, Caleb!" I shouted.

"One more sec." Caleb turned to me and smashed his lips against mine. They moved against mine with hunger and possession. The phone call melted away. I no longer cared about it. I didn't want the kiss to stop.

He pulled away and said, "Yeah, sorry. We're gonna go. Bye." His lips were on my mine immediately after he hung up and his arms were snaking around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

"You're mine," he whispered. "Mine. All mine."

"I never said I wasn't yours," I breathed as he kissed my neck. "You got jealous."

"I can't help it," he mumbled on my neck, causing a chill to spread about my body. "You're a heartthrob. Any guy would want you and try to steal you away from me."

"So have some faith in me," I said, but hardly. "I... Caleb, stop, I can't think." He chuckled against my skin. I was finding my will to speak was diminishing. I wanted to stop thinking.

"Ahem!" my grandfather interrupted. We immediately scrambled away from each other. "So this is what happens when your grandma and I aren't around?"

"Rarely," I said, still a little breathless.

"You two aren't allowed to be alone anymore--"


"Don't 'Grandpa' me! You're my responsibility now. There's no way this happening under my supervision. And you, young man, can pack your bags if you're gonna try making passes at my granddaughter!"

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