Chapter 17

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"Ew, gross, do you see that girl's hair?" I heard a voice outside whisper. I wondered who they were talking about as we walked into the bathroom. A variety of bugs were around, grossing me out. I went to the sink, taking out my toothbrush, and brushing my teeth.

Charlotte started combing her hair, and Violet started to take out her own toothbrush but stopped to look outside. I looked at her, trying to read her facial expression, however, I couldn't get much from the side of her face.

She started to back away, and these four girls walked in. I examined them, noting that they were college girls, and then looked back to the mirror to continue on with my business.

"You some emo chick or something?" the girl asked Violet, rolling her eyes to her friends. They smirked.

"No," she mumbled.

"Scene?" another girl snickered.

"I'm whatever I want to be!" Violet snapped, and then covered her mouth.

"Who the hell are you talking to?" the first girl asked. "You need to watch your mouth before I put my fist through it."

It went from cliché valley girl bullies to a threat that shouldn't be taken lightly. I quickly washed my mouth out and turned to the girls.

"All right girls, let's just calm down," I said in an attempt of a soothing tone.

"Yeah, this doesn't need to turn anything too big," Charlotte bud in. "Come, Violet."

"Hah! Even her name matches her hair," the first girl mocked.

"Come on, Violet," Charlotte said, attempting to leave with her.

The girls blocked the doorway.

"We're not finished yet," they said. "You started with us, and now it's time to finish it."

"You started with her," Charlotte protested, rolling her eyes.

The girl shoved Charlotte into a handicap toilet stall, and another one shoved Violet in after them.

"Time to drink toilet water," the sneered, and the two of them grabbed both Charlotte and Violet's heads.

The other two girls walked over to me with malicious smiles on their faces. I clenched my fists together and when one of the girls went to grab me, I shoved my toothbrush into her mouth, and then kicked her in her precious little area, causing her to collapse to the floor.

The other girl was shocked, and already scared, so I just shoved past her. I grabbed both the other girls by their hair, yanking them away from my friends.

They'd let go of Charlotte and Violet, of whom both started coughing, and gagging, making me feel bad. I was too late to spare them from that nastiness.

The girls starting fighting against me, but not before I managed to dunk the both of their heads at different times. They fell back against the floor gasping, and then stood up.

"You wanna fight, little girl?" the first girl screamed. I laughed, putting my fists up in a fighting stance.

"I think she does," the second girl said, spitting on the floor.

The first girl lunged at me with her fist, which caused my elbow to collide with her nose. She went down with a gush of blood flowing out of it.

The next girl was more calculated. Most nasty girls in groups with bad intentions would've tried hitting a person at the same time another friend was, in order to jump them. But she wasn't like that.

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