Chapter 32

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"Hello?" I asked.

"Hello Doe, long time no hear. How have you been?"

"Why should I answer that?"

"Well, for the sake of your friends I'd be as nice to me as possible." I felt my stomach knot with dread and I looked around the room. They all made eye contact with me and gave me slight nods of encouragement.

"I'm fine," I muttered. There was a brief pause.


"And what?

"Did your deceased parents teach you no manners?" he purred.

"Don't you dare talk about my parents!" I said in rage.

"Oh," he said. "What exactly are you going to do, darling? I think this is a-- what do they call it--oh yes--a free country, right? I'm exercising the right of freedom of speech." A rage swelling in my belly was threatening to burst.

"You son of a--"

"Ooh, language!" he said, and then cleared his throat. "We wouldn't want you hurting your good friend here, would we?" My rage left as my eyes roamed the room in fear. Caleb gripped my hand beside me.

"What friend?" I asked, my voice barely a whisper.

"Wake up!" he barked an order to somebody. I heard his hand make contact with something and it cried out.

"Where... Where am I... Help! Somebody help!" Violet screamed. My chest swelled with helplessness.

"You took... Violet?" I asked.

"Correct, darling, I took your friend," he said. "How many more friends do you have to lose in order for you to come out of your hidey-hole?"

"Doe... Doe is that you?" Violet cried and I closed my eyes. I saw her colors. I saw them whirring around her in panic. And I couldn't do anything to calm them down.

And this threw me into a panic.

"Violet, tell me where you are!" I said, quickly. Caleb squeezed my arm hand and vigorously shook his head while another cop covered my mouth giving me a warning look.

"I'm--" I heard his fist make contact with her face. She cried out in pain and then I couldn't hear her anymore.

"No!" I screamed. "Violet! Violet, I'm so sorry!"

"Do you want her to disappear, Doe?" Clark growled.

"No! Please, no!" I sobbed.

"Then you better come out of hiding. You better give yourself to me."

"I will... I promise! Where do I meet you...? Please tell me..."

"You better not run when I show myself. Goodbye." He hung up. Immediately the police around my started buzzing with thoughts of what to do and how to protect me. I pried myself away from Caleb and walked away.


"Hey there," Mr. Russell said, coming over to me.

"Hey," I muttered, pulling my knees closer to my chest. He sat down next to me.

"How do you feel?" he asked.

"Tired," I sighed.

"Why don't you go lay down instead of sitting in this boring hallway, leaning on a radiator that isn't even turned on?" he asked, elbowing me teasingly. I wasn't in the mood to be teased. I put my head down on my knees and tried not to cry.

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