Chapter 22

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"Neither of them! Get away from them you monster!" I screamed. Immediately the bathroom door opened and Caleb flew out.

"Doe? What's going on?!" he demanded as the man chuckled, "You can't tell me what to do."

"Stay away from my grandparents! Where are they?!" I shouted.

"That's no way to talk to me," the man said, calmly. "There's only one way for you to find out. Come to the hotel lobby."

My heart sped up and my mouth went dry.

"Why do you want me? Why do you keep insisting that I'm yours?" I asked, hesitantly.

"Because you are mine. Get down here, now."

He then hung up. I held the phone to my ear still, speechless.

"Doe, was it him?" Caleb asked. I nodded.

"What'd he say?"

I swallowed. "He has my grandparents. He's going to kill one of them unless I go to him." Caleb's fist clenched.

"You can't go," he finally said, "you do know that?"

"I'm not letting my grandparents die," I snapped in protestation. He was silent. Pain was written over his face.

"I'll go," he said.

"No. He'll kill you." Those words seemed foreign coming out of my mouth. In the movies, it seemed so different, but now it was real, and it was happening to me. There were so many outcomes, including the death of my loved ones.

That already happened once. I couldn't let it happen again.

"Doe, I won't let you go."

"It's not your choice."

"You're my girlfriend. Your safety is my priority. Even if we weren't dating, it'd still be a priority. You can't go."

"Don't tell me what to do!" I growled and stormed towards the door. Caleb grabbed me before I could reach it.

"Let go of me!" I yelled. "You're not stopping me!" He pulled me over to the bed and threw me on it.


"You can't go without a plan."

"There's no time for plans!"

"You can't approach this without figuring something out. You can't just--" I went to run and dart around him, but he easily caught me.

"Doe," he growled, and shoved me down on the bed, pinning my arms to the side of me near my head. If I wasn't angry I think I would've reacted differently in this kind of situation. But I was pissed.

"Get off of me! Do you understand what's on the line? These are my grandparents' lives!"

"Doe, please listen to me," Caleb begged.

"No! Get off of me!" I shouted. He went silent for a moment and then just peered into my eyes. My eyes were watering.

What can I possibly do? Nothing at all. I can't outsmart that man. The moment I go into that lobby I'm a goner. Who knows what he wants to do to me?

Why? Why is this happening to me?

"I rather he gets me than kill the rest of my family."

"Honey," he mumbled and kissed me softly. "I'm sure they rather you stay safe."

"I don't care!" I practically sobbed. "I can't let my grandparents die knowing that I could've saved them!"

"Doe, let's just call the police. If he does have them in the lobby, they'll catch him. And if anything, this could all just be a bluff to get you out there so he can get you. For all you know, your grandparents are safe eating somewhere and he knows this is the opportune time to get to you. I guess he forgot about me being here to keep you company."

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